Private NPM container that can backup to s3
The container will sync content down upon starting, and perform a backup sync every 5 minutes. The EC2 instance running this container must have access to the S3 bucket via IAM Profile.
mkdir -p $PWD/verdaccio/storage $PWD/verdaccio/conf
# See for configuration.
# A sample configuration file has been included as config.yaml.template file, edit it
cp config.yaml.template $PWD/verdaccio/conf/config.yaml
docker run --name verdaccio -e S3_BUCKET=<s3 bucket name> -v $PWD/verdaccio/storage:/verdaccio/storage -v $PWD/verdaccio/conf:/verdaccio/conf -p 80:4873 asynchrony/docker-verdaccio-s3
Two AWS CloudFormation stacks are provided within the aws-cfn
directory to run this npm registry within an AWS ECS FARGATE cluster.
Create a VPC to run the ECS cluster.ecs.yml
The ECS cluster.