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Arvind Ramachandran edited this page Dec 1, 2017 · 15 revisions

This is a wiki for Assignment #14 in CO300

Weekly Progress

Week 1 (October 1 - 8, 2017)

  • Completed setting up the Github repository for the project.
  • Consulted TAs to get started with understanding of DHCP.
  • Successfully installed, initialized and configured git in the local machines.
  • Uploaded ns-3 source code to the github repository

Week 2 (October 9 - 16, 2017)

  • Read RFC 2131.
  • Read IPv4 DHCP Relay from Network OS Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide.

Week 3 (October 17 - 24, 2017)

  • Read
  • Read

Week 4 (October 25 - 31, 2017)

  • Made function call sequence diagram for DhcpClient.h ,DhcpServer.h and DhcpRelay.h (which we need to develop)
  • Finalized the Topology for DHCP Relay functionality

Week 5 (November 1 - 7, 2017)

  • Finished reading the relevant files involving DHCPv4 :

    • src\internet-apps\examples\
    • src\internet-apps\helper\
    • src\internet-apps\helper\dhcp-helper.h
    • src\internet-apps\model\
    • src\internet-apps\model\dhcp-server.h
    • src\internet-apps\model\
    • src\internet-apps\model\dhcp-client.h
    • src\internet-apps\model\
    • src\internet-apps\model\dhcp-header.h
  • Added the source code and header files to include a relay agent in the network.

  • Started the implementation.

Week 6 (November 8 - 15, 2017)

  • Modified .cc and .h files for relay and server.
  • Added example file for relay.

Week 7 (November 16 - 23, 2017)

  • Continued Week 6's work.

Week 8 (November 24 - December 1, 2017)

  • Resolved the issue where the relay agent didn't forward "ACK" to the client.


Completed the implementation of dhcp-relay in ns3 for a topology consisting of one server (Subnet A), one relay agent and multiple clients (Subnet B).

List of files modified :

  • src\internet-apps\wscript
  • src\internet-apps\examples\wscript
  • src\internet-apps\helper\dhcp-helper.h
  • src\internet-apps\helper\
  • src\internet-apps\model\dhcp-server.h
  • src\internet-apps\model\

List of files newly added :

  • src\internet-apps\model\
  • src\internet-apps\model\dhcp-relay.h
  • src\internet-apps\examples\