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💡 An Enlightening Guide to Machine Learning Interviews 📙 💻 🤖

🏷️ Notes:

  • This repo is under continous development, and any feedback and contribution are very welcome 😊 If you'd like to contribute, please make a pull request with your suggested changes).

  • This repo aims to be an enlightening guideline to prepare for Machine Learning / AI technical interviews. It has compiled based on my personal experience and notes from my own ML interview preparation early 2020, when I received offers from Facebook (ML Specialist), Google (ML Engineer), Amazon (Applied Scientist), Apple (Applied Scientist), and Roku.

  • At the time I'm putting these notes together, machine learning interviews at different companies do not follow a unique structure unlike software engineering interviews. However, I found some of the components very similar to each other, although under different namings.

  • My preparation was focused mostly for Machine Learning Engineer (and Applied Scientist) roles at big companies. Although relevant roles such as "Data Science" or "ML research scientist" have different structures, some of the modules reviewed here can be still useful. For more understanding about different technical roles within ML umbrella you can refer to [Link]

  • As a supplemntary resource, you can also refer to my Production Level Deep Learning repo for further insights on how to design deep learning systems for production.

The following components are the most common interview modules that I found for technical ML roles at different companies. We will go through them one by one and share how one can prepare.

1. General Coding (Algorithms and Data Structures) Interview 💻

As an ML engineer, you're first expected to have a good understanding of general software engineering concepts, and in particular, basic algorithms and data structure.

Depending on the company and seniority level, there are usually one or two rounds of general coding interviews. The general coding interview is very similar to SW engineer coding interviews, and one can get prepared for this one same as other SW engineering roles.


At this time, leetcode is the most popular place to practice coding questions. I practiced with around 350 problems, which were roughly distributed as 55% Medium, 35% Easy, and 15% Hard problems. You can find some information on the questions that I practiced in Ma Leet Sheet - Yea I tried to have a little bit fun with it here and there to make the pain easier to carry :D (I will write on my approach to leetcode in the future.)

I was introduced to by a friend of mine, and soon found it super useful in understanding the concepts of CS algorithms in more depth via their nice visualizations as well as categorizations. In particular, I found the Grokking the Coding Interview pretty helpful in organizing my mind on approaching interview questions with similar patterns. And the Grokking Dynamic Programming Patterns for Coding Interviews with a great categorization of DP patterns made tackling DP problems a piece of cake even though I wa initially scared!

Interview Kickstart

As I had never taken an algorithms course before and this was my first preparation for coding interviews, I decided to invest a bit in myself and took the interview kickstart's technical interview prep course. In particular, my favorites were algorithms classes taught by Omkar, who dived deep in algorithms with his unique approach, the mock interviews, which well prepared my skillsets for the main interviews. Remember: Interviewing is a skill and the more skillful you are, the better the results will be. Another part of the program that I learned a lot from (while many others ignored :D), was career coaching sessions with Nick.

2. ML/Data Coding 🤖

ML coding module may or may not exist in particular companies interviews. The good news is that, there are a limited number of ML algorithms that candidates are expected to be able to code. The most common ones include:

  • k-means clustering
  • k-nearest neighbors
  • Decision trees
  • Perceptron, MLP
  • Linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • SVM
  • Sampling
    • stratified sampling
    • uniform sampling
    • reservoir sampling
    • sampling multinomial distribution
    • random generator
  • NLP algorithms (if that's your area of work)
    • bigrams
    • tf-idf

Sample codes

3. ML Depth

ML depth interviews typically aim to measure the depth of your knowledge in both theoretical and practical machine learning, in particular in the area that you claim you have worked on. Although this may sound scary at the beginning, this could be potentially one of the easiest rounds if you know well what you have worked on before. In other words, ML depth interviews typically focus on your previous ML related projects, but as deep as possible!

Typically these sessions start with going through one of your past projects (which depending on the company, it could be either your or the interviewer's choice). It generally starts as a high level discussion, and the interviewer gradually dives deeper in one or multiple aspects of the project, sometimes until you get stuck (so it's totally ok to get stuck, maybe just not too early!).

The best advice to prepare for this interview is to know the details of what you've worked on before (really well), even if it's 5 years ago (and not be like that guy who once replied "hmm ... I worked on this 5 years ago and I don't recall the details :D " ).


  • [TBD]

4. ML Breadth/Fundamentals

As the name suggests, this interview is intended to evaluate your general knowledge of ML concepts both from theoretical and practical perspectives. Unlike ML depth interviews, the breadth interviews tend to follow a pretty similar structure and coverage amongst different interviewers and interviewees.

The best way to prepare for this interview is to review your notes from ML courses as well some high quality online courses and material. In particular, I found the following resources pretty helpful.

Courses and review material:

If you already know the concepts, the following resources are pretty useful for a quick review of different concepts:

Below are the most important topics to cover:

1. Classic ML Concepts

ML Algorithms' Categories

  • Supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised learning (with examples)
    • Classification vs regression vs clustering
  • Parametric vs non-parametric algorithms
  • Linear vs Nonlinear algorithms

Supervised learning

  • Linear Algorithms

    • Linear regression
      • least squares, residuals, linear vs multivariate regression
    • Logistic regression
      • cost function (equation, code), sigmoid function, cross entropy
    • Support Vector Machines
    • Linear discriminant analysis
  • Decision Trees

    • Logits
    • Leaves
    • Training algorithm
      • stop criteria
    • Inference
    • Pruning
  • Ensemble methods

    • Bagging and boosting methods (with examples)
    • Random Forest
    • Boosting
      • Adaboost
      • GBM
      • XGBoost
  • Comparison of different algorithms

    • [TBD: LinkedIn lecture]
  • Optimization

    • Gradient descent (concept, formula, code)
    • Other variations of gradient descent
      • SGD
      • Momentum
      • RMSprop
      • ADAM
  • Loss functions

    • Logistic Loss fcn
    • Cross Entropy (formula)
    • Hinge loss (SVM)
  • Feature selection

    • Feature importance
  • Model evaluation and selection

    • Evaluation metrics
      • TP, FP, TN, FN
      • Confusion matrix
      • Accuracy, precision, recall/sensitivity, specificity, F-score
        • how do you choose among these? (imbalanced datasets)
        • precision vs TPR (why precision)
      • ROC curve (TPR vs FPR, threshold selection)
      • AUC (model comparison)
      • Extension of the above to multi-class (n-ary) classification
      • algorithm specific metrics [TBD]
    • Model selection
      • Cross validation
        • k-fold cross validation (what's a good k value?)

Unsupervised learning

  • Clustering
    • Centriod models: k-means clustering
    • Connectivity models: Hierarchical clustering
    • Density models: DBSCAN
  • Gaussian Mixture Models
  • Latent semantic analysis
  • Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)
    • Markov processes
    • Transition probability and emission probability
    • Viterbi algorithm [Advanced]
  • Dimension reduction techniques
    • Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
    • Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
    • T-sne

Bias / Variance (Underfitting/Overfitting)

  • Regularization techniques
    • L1/L2 (Lasso/Ridge)


  • sampling techniques
    • Uniform sampling
    • Reservoir sampling
    • Stratified sampling

Missing data

  • [TBD]

Time complexity of ML algorithms

  • [TBD]

2. Deep learning

  • Feedforward NNs
    • In depth knowledge of how they work
    • [EX] activation function for classes that are not mutually exclusive
  • RNN
    • backpropagation through time (BPTT)
    • vanishing/exploding gradient problem
  • LSTM
    • vanishing/exploding gradient problem
    • gradient?
  • Dropout
    • how to apply dropout to LSTM?
  • Seq2seq models
  • Attention
    • self-attention
  • Transformer and its architecture (in details, yes, no kidding! I was asked twice! In an ideal world, I wouldn't answer those detailed questions to anyone except the authors and teammates, as either you've designed it or memorized it!)
  • Embeddings (word embeddings)

3. Statistical ML

Bayesian algorithms

  • Naive Bayes
  • Maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation
  • Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation

Statistical significance

  • R-squared
  • P-values

4. Other topics:

  • Outliers
  • Similarity/dissimilarity metrics
    • Euclidean, Manhattan, Cosine, Mahalanobis (advanced)

5. Machine Learning System Design

Designing ML systems for production

This is one of my favorite interviews in which you can shine bright and uplevel your career. I'd like to mention the following important notes:

  • Remember, the goal of ML system design interview is NOT to measure your deep and detailed knowledge of different ML algorithms, but your ability to zoom out and design a production-level ML system that can be deployed as a service within a company's ML infrastructure.

  • Deploying deep learning models in production can be challenging, and it is beyond training models with good performance. Several distinct components need to be designed and developed in order to deploy a production level deep learning system.

Once you learn about the basics, I highly recommend checking out different companies blogs on ML systems, which I learnt a lot from. You can refer to some of those resources in the subsection ML at Companies below.

ML System Design Flow

Approaching an ML system design problem follows a similar flow to the generic software system design. For more insight on system design interview you can e.g. check out:

Below is a design flow that I would recommend:

ML System Design Topics

I observed there are certain sets of topics that are frequently brought up or can be used as part of the logic of the system. Here are some of the important ones:

Recommendation Systems

  • Collaborative Filtering (CF)
    • user based, item based
    • Cold start problem
    • Matrix factorization
  • Content based filtering


  • Preprocessing
    • Normalization, tokenization, stop words
  • Word Embeddings
    • Word2Vec, GloVe, Elmo, BERT
  • Text classification and sentiment analysis
  • NLP specialist topics:
    • Language Modeling
    • Part of speech tagging
    • POS HMM
      • Viterbi algorithm and beam search
    • Named entity recognition
    • Topic modeling
    • Speech Recognition Systems
      • Feature extraction, MFCCs
      • Acoustic modeling
        • HMMs for AM
        • CTC algorithm (advanced)
      • Language modeling
        • N-grams vs deep learning models (trade-offs)
        • Out of vocabulary problem
    • Dialog and chatbots
    • Machine Translation
      • Seq2seq models, NMT

Note: The reason I have more topics here is because this was my focus in my own interviews

Ads and Ranking

  • CTR prediction
  • Ranking algorithms

Information retrieval

  • Search
    • Pagerank
    • Autocomplete for search

Computer vision

  • Image classification
  • Object Tracking
  • Popular architectures (AlexNet, VGG, ResNET)
  • [TBD]

Transfer learning

  • Why and when to use transfer learning
  • How to do it
    • depending on the dataset sizes and similarities

ML at Big Companies

Behavioral interviews

  • STAR method [TBD]


This repo is meant to serve as a guide for Machine Learning/AI technical interviews.







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