This guide was written to explain the calculation of personhood and plurality scores, as well as to show their impact on quadratic funding in Gitcoin Grants.
To make these topics accessible, they are articulated visually and narratively.
This is a draft - More narrative polish and better-math'd examples would improve it. Some visualizations are missing as well, and interactivity could be improved (with funding ;) ).
See hosted version here.
Show donors by color
Show match pool amounts
Cap visualization height
Explain why 5 * 1 > 1 * 5
Explain why this helps with shakespeare
Explain why this helps with voluntary taxation
Explain why this helps with funding the long tail
Compare this with linear funding + match cap
We want a system where it matters if someone feels very strongly
We want a system where it matters if many people feel somewhat strongly.
We want a system where credentials can matter!
Where do the matchers come from?
Where do the markets come from?
Animate concepts
Show linear matching