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This repository contains ViM and NeoViM support for the following languages used when developing an ASTERIOS Application:

  • the PsyC (support of the .psy files, provided with SnipMate compatible snippets);
  • the KhiC (support of the .khic files);
  • the Bgt (support of the .bgt files);
  • the tak (support of the .tak files).

It also features an integration with ALE to provide linting of PsyC source files.


Use your favorite package manager to install this plug-in. vim-plug is recommended. Add the following to your vim configuration file:

Plug 'krono-safe/vim-asterios'

and then, after re-launching ViM, run:


PsyC Linting

Screenshot of a Gvim window showing a syntax error in a PsyC file

To enable linting of PsyC source files, you need the ALE plug-in. The linting is actually performed by running psyko module, thus you need to provide some configuration for the command to work. For example:

" local variable: root Krono-Safe installation directory
let s:ks_dir = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Krono-Safe'

" full path to psyko.exe
let g:ast_psyko_path = s:ks_dir . '\psyko-8.10.2\bin\psyko.exe'

" default product is ksim, but you can override this if you want
" (let's not do that here, and leave this line commented out)
" let g:ast_product_name = 'power-mpc5777m-module'

" kernel-dir path (--kernel-dir argument)
let g:ast_kernel_dir = s:ks_dir . '\ksim-8.10.2'

For more information, see :help vim-asterios-psyc-lint.

JSON Configuration Files Linting and Autocompletion

Animated GIF of linting and autocompletion of an ASTERIOS JSON configuration file

Linting and autocompletion of JSON configuration files requires another plug-in: coc.nvim. Once you have installed it, install the JSON language server extension with:

:CocInstall coc-json

vim-asterios is then ready to take care of the rest of the configuration for you. Make sure that g:ast_product_name and g:ast_kernel_dir are correctly set, then run :AsteriosConfig in a buffer with your JSON configuration file to enable linting and autocompletion.

See :help vim-asterios-json-comp for more information.


Please refer to the file


This repository is under the Apache-V2 license.