If you don't have NodeJS installed, then please install the 'LTS' version of NodeJS from this link. This is the first green button on the page and is the version with long term support.
Step 1: Fork the ashB100/fcc-project-seed-vanillajs repository by clicking on the "Fork" button on the top right of the page. The fork effectively creates a copy of this repository on your Github account.
Step 2: From your GitHub account, cloned your copy of the fcc-project-seed-vanillajs repository:
Click on the green "Clone or Download" button and copy the url to the repository.
$ git clone your-copied-url your-project-name
Note*: You don't have to type $, it is just there to show that you're in the command line prompt, Terminal in Mac and Console in Windows.
Step 2: Change directory to your project directory.
For example:
$ cd your-project-name
Step 3: Install the dependencies needed by your project by running the following command:
$ npm install
Step 4. Serve your application by running the following command:
$ npm run dev
Step 5. This should open your application in the browser. You will see a default message on the browser which you can replace with your own code in index.html.
Now you can start working on your project!