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Adrian Serio edited this page May 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the checkpoint wiki!

This wiki will act as a documentation repository for my work on the checkpoint project.

The goal of this project is to provide an integrated implementation of a "checkpoint" feature into HPX. This feature should allow the application developer to easily incorporate this feature into her code.

My current interface for the feature is:

  1. A function called checkpoint which users can pass a list of objects that should be saved.
  2. The function returns a descriptor which can be used to revive the simulation
  3. A function called resurrect, which can take a checkpoint descriptor, that will bring the application back to a state saved by the checkpoint object

I believe the implementation should be able to be implemented with hpx::component::copy and hpx::component::migrate_to_storage.

I still need to figure out how the user can describe the checkpoint.

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