This is a patch release in the 2.3.x release line that fixes a few bugs that have been lingering or discovered since the 2.0.0 release.
The highlight of this release is that an image taller than the page that's the first child of a block that itself starts at the top of the page no longer causes an empty page to be inserted. Instead, the image is resized to fit the current page. If toclevels
is increased for a given section, the dot leaders will now appear in the TOC for those levels. For those using the built-in (AFM) fonts in PDF, a visible fallback character will now be used as a placeholder when a glyph is missing. And when analyzing glyphs for fallback font support in a TTF font, inherited styles are taken into account. Finally, tests have been decoupled from PWD to simplify packaging.
Bug Fixes
- show dot leaders in TOC entry if toclevels is increased for a given section (#2441)
- decouple tests from path of PWD (#2444)
- consider inherited styles when analyzing glyphs for fallback font support (#2463)
- add fallback character for placeholder character when using AFM font (#2453)
- don't advance image that's first child of block at top of page if image is taller than page (#2012)
Release meta
Released on: 2023-12-04
Released by: @mojavelinux
Release beer: Westbound Select by Westbound & Down
Logs: resolved issues | source diff | gem diff
A very special thanks to all the awesome supporters of the Asciidoctor OpenCollective campaign, who provide critical funding for the ongoing development of this project.