This project is an Arabic game developed using JavaFX which aims to teach children basic concepts of programming by some entertainment games.
These are the requirements to run this game:
- JDK.
- MySQL.
- Hibernate.
- Jfoenix library, it can be downloaded from here :
After downloding it, add it under "Libraries" folder as shown in the figure:
In order to run this project correctly, please follow these instructions:
- Make sure all requirements are correctly installed in your device.
- Download the project from "Code > Download ZIP" option.
- Make a new schema in MySQL that is called "app".
- Download the database that is used in this project from here:
- Import the downloaded database into "app" schema.
- You may find hibernate.cfg file in the project, you can delete it and create a new one by making a new connection that connects between your project and "app" database, edit the information in this file with your own information and any other needed information (as you have known before).
- Open "" file and run it, it is the main file and by running it you are supposed to be able to fully start the game.
This project was developed by:
- Arwa Alghamdi
- Arwa Almashi.
- Linah Baksh.
- Nada Rambu.
- Nood Alaskah.
Under the supervision of Ms.Bushra Algotamil and Ms.Randah Alharbi.
As a requirement for Advanced Programming course at UQU.
Enjoy! hopefully this project will help you to make more creative projects :)