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Gutenberg Block presentation



  • NPM: 8.19.x
  • Node 16.20
  • npx

Initial Plugin Setup

  1. Run the following command from plugins folder:
npx @wordpress/create-block gutenpride --template @wordpress/create-block-tutorial-template

The above code downloads and installs a base plugin gutenpride for us to start

  1. cd into gutenpride folder and run
npm start

Exploring the base plugin

The main plugin file gutenberg.php contains just a function to register a block using register_block_type()

The block metadata defenition is inside build/block.json

You can find the same inside src/block.json - This is where we should be editing to make changes.

To know more about block attributes refer:

Developing on the block

  1. First Let us add color to the string by adding a color pallet setting to the block

Head over to block.json and add the following attribute.

"text_color": { 
    "type": "string",
    "default": "#ffffff" 

Next inside edit.js let us add add the colour palet and function to handle color change

Following code adds color pallet to the block settings - should be added inside the div block

<InspectorControls key="setting">
    <div id="gutenpride-controls">
            <legend className="blocks-base-control__label">
                { __( 'Text color', 'gutenpride' ) }
            <ColorPalette // Element Tag for Gutenberg standard colour selector
                onChange={ onChangeTextColor } // onChange event callback

We will need to import the following for the above code to work

import { useBlockProps,ColorPalette,InspectorControls } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';

This code saves the changed color attribute - Should be added before the return statement

	const onChangeTextColor = ( hexColor ) => {
		setAttributes( { text_color: hexColor } );

You can see that the color palet appeared on the right.

Now inorder for the style to take effect inside the block we need to add style inside TextController

style={ {
    color: attributes.text_color,
} }

Finally Edit function will look like this:

export default function Edit( { attributes, setAttributes } ) {
	const blockProps = useBlockProps();
	const onChangeTextColor = ( hexColor ) => {
		setAttributes( { text_color: hexColor } );
	return (
		<div { ...blockProps }>
			<InspectorControls key="setting">
				<div id="gutenpride-controls">
						<legend className="blocks-base-control__label">
							{ __( 'Text color', 'gutenpride' ) }
						<ColorPalette // Element Tag for Gutenberg standard colour selector
							onChange={ onChangeTextColor } // onChange event callback
				style={ {
					color: attributes.text_color,
				} }
				value={ attributes.message }
				onChange={ ( val ) => setAttributes( { message: val } ) }

Next for the style to appear in the frontend we need to add the style to save.js file

style={ {
    color: attributes.text_color,
} }

save function will look like this

export default function save( { attributes } ) {
	const blockProps =;
	return <div 
		{ ...blockProps }
		style={ {
			color: attributes.text_color,
		} }
		{ attributes.message }

Dynamic block

To make this block dynamic we need add a callback function while registering the block, so modify the register_block_type like this:

function create_block_gutenpride_block_init() {
	register_block_type( __DIR__ . '/build', array(
		'render_callback' => 'wdm_render_callback',
	) );
add_action( 'init', 'create_block_gutenpride_block_init' );

function wdm_render_callback($block_attributes, $content){
	return "Helllo world";

So the above function gives the complete power to control the frontend side of the block uing PHP. Refer:


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