Cyton Online Neural Sentence Segmentation for Simultaneous Interpretation
This software implments an Online Sentence Segmentation for Simultaneous Interpretation using Multi-Shifted Recurrent Neural Network
Xiaolin Wang ([email protected], [email protected])
The software is coded in C++ with minimal dependencies:
CUDA >= 8.0
CUDNN >= 7.0
Please run the script of for compilation, training, tuning and test. You can also try each step manually through the following commands.
If you are using our toolkit, please kindly cite our paper (to appear).
make -j8;
cd data ../bin/cytonNss --mode train --train train.txt --vocabFile train.vocab.txt --dev dev.txt --saveModel model --hiddenSize 128 --numLayers 2
Note: you may increase the size of neural network for high performance.
../bin/cytonNss --mode tune --dev dev.txt --loadModel model/model --output tune --tuneSteps 100
Note: you may increase the tuneSteps for high performance.
../bin/cytonNss --mode apply --input stdin --output stdout --loadModel model/model --thresholds 0.9:0.8:0.7:0.6:0.5:0.4 testInput.txt > testOutput.txt
Note: please set the thresholds according to the results of tuning.
Format of Input: The input file contains sessions separated by empty line. For example:
are you % a few input words from the 1-st session
okay % more input words from the 1-st session
i 'm % more input words from the 1-st session
okay % more input words from the 1-st session
% empty line, end of the 1-st session
i 'm % input words from 2-th session
tired % more input words from the 2-nd session
how do % more input words from the 2-nd session
you do % more input words from the 2-nd session
what is % more input words from the 2-nd session
your name % more input words from the 2-nd session
yes % more input words from the 2-nd session
% empty line, end of the 2-nd session
Format of Ouput: one sentence per line, and sessions are separated by empty line. For example:
are you okay % sentence 0
i 'm okay % sentence 1
% empty line, end of the 1-st session
i 'm tired % sentence 0
how do you do % sentence 1
what is your name % sentence 2
yes % sentence 3
% empty line, end of the 2-nd session
../bin/cytonNss --help
--help ()
--mode Running mode: train/tune/apply (train)
--loadModel Load model from a model directory ()
--saveModel Save model to a model directory ()
--vocabSize Size of the vocabulary. 0 means unlimited. (0)
--hiddenSize Size of hidden states (512)
--numLayers Number of layers (3)
--optimizer Optimizer (SGD)
--learningRate Learning rate (1.0)
--learnRateDecay Decay rate of learning rate (0.5)
--dropout Dropout rate (0.5)
--maxSentLen Maximun length of sentence (40)
--numFutureWords Maximun number of future words (6)
--vocabFile Vocabulary File (trainFile.vocab)
--train Training file. One sentence per line. (trainFile)
--dev Ddevelopment file. One sentence per line. (dev)
--batchSize Batch size (64)
--input Input File of the apply mode. stdin means standard input ()
--output Output File of the apply mode or the tune mode. stdin means standard output ()
--thresholds Thresholds (0.9:0.8:0.7:0.6:0.5:0.4)
--scoreTolerance Tolerance of scores in the tune mode (0.04)
--tuneSteps Maximum number of tune steps. O means infinite. (0)
--factorLatency Factory of latency in evaluation: score=f1-factorLatency*latency. (0.01)
--numSents Number of sentences as one input in the tune mode (10)