Ethereum Nodes in Kubernetes.
Currently supported operations are:
- Private network
- Mainnet light client
Support for full nodes is planned.
Properties of the private network:
- PoA mining with 3s block time
- 10 initial accounts each funded with 1 million ether
- Json-rpc enabled (tested with MetaMask and Truffle)
- A Kubernetes 1.10 cluster (e.g. minikube) and kubectl configured
- Python 3.6
- pipenv
- Clone this repo
- Run
pipenv install
Now either prefix all commands with pipenv run
or run them within pipenv shell
# Create network. This will also create 10 initial accounts.
# The --name argument is also the k8s namespace name
$ python --name mynetwork --create
2018-06-10 00:02:42,470 INFO Creating network "mynetwork"
Address: 0xB6B03E6d12f8AB152fbc1F80C2691d58c2BC607D Private Key: f37fc29fa28bc394d015db7374df941f93f63dc50d52e5bc68f1706a2f546366
Address: 0x474B8a1028Abb8883763Ab21C2e4cb47b59367b6 Private Key: 250ad5cb94c902d46f1a18255a8b17f5879a4e1b5b94fcee4e95969b5a05426c
2018-06-10 00:02:44,176 INFO Network created
# Check pods with kubectl
$ kubectl -n mynetwork get pods
geth-5f8df95b79-xmk45 1/1 Running 0 7h
# Check the pod log. You can also pass `-f` and see the blocks being mined.
$ kubectl -n mynetwork log geth-5f8df95b79-xmk45
INFO [06-09|14:49:34] Maximum peer count ETH=25 LES=0 total=25
INFO [06-09|14:49:34] Allocated cache and file handles database=/opt/geth/geth/chaindata cache=16 handles=16
INFO [06-09|14:49:34] Writing custom genesis block
# Get the network IP from minikube. You can use this in MetaMask, Truffle etc.
$ minikube service geth -n mynetwork --url
# Attach to geth console
$ geth attach ""
Welcome to the Geth JavaScript console!
instance: Geth/v1.8.10-stable/linux-amd64/go1.10.2
coinbase: 0xb6b03e6d12f8ab152fbc1f80c2691d58c2bc607d
at block: 73 (Sat, 09 Jun 2018 16:53:12 CEST)
modules: eth:1.0 net:1.0 personal:1.0 rpc:1.0 txpool:1.0 web3:1.0
# Delete network
$ python --name mynetwork --delete
It's possible to create multiple networks by changing the name
argument. For example to create 3 private networks run:
$ python --name network1 --create
$ python --name network2 --create
$ python --name network3 --create
python --name foo --light --create
python --name foo --light --delete
Light sync might take hours. Depending on how many peers are available.
If you're running minikube you need to get the geth service ip with:
minikube service geth --url