Sync Postgres data to your local machine. Designed for:
- speed - up to 4x faster than traditional tools on a 4-core machine
- security - built-in methods to prevent sensitive data from ever leaving the server
- convenience - sync partial tables, groups of tables, and related records
🍊 Battle-tested at Instacart
pgsync is a command line tool. To install, run:
gem install pgsync
This will give you the pgsync
In your project directory, run:
pgsync --setup
This creates .pgsync.yml
for you to customize. We recommend checking this into your version control (assuming it doesn’t contain sensitive information). pgsync
commands can be run from this directory or any subdirectory.
Sync all tables
Note: pgsync assumes your schema is already set up on your local machine. See the schema section if that’s not the case.
Sync specific tables
pgsync table1,table2
Sync specific rows (existing rows are overwritten)
pgsync products "where store_id = 1"
You can also preserve existing rows
pgsync products "where store_id = 1" --preserve
Or truncate them
pgsync products "where store_id = 1" --truncate
pgsync --exclude users
To always exclude, add to .pgsync.yml
- table1
- table2
For Rails, you probably want to exclude schema migrations and ActiveRecord metadata.
- schema_migrations
- ar_internal_metadata
Define groups in .pgsync.yml
- table1
- table2
And run:
pgsync group1
You can also use groups to sync a specific record and associated records in other tables.
To get product 123
with its reviews, last 10 coupons, and store, use:
products: "where id = {1}"
reviews: "where product_id = {1}"
coupons: "where product_id = {1} order by created_at desc limit 10"
stores: "where id in (select store_id from products where id = {1})"
And run:
pgsync product:123
Sync schema
pgsync --schema-only
Specify tables
pgsync table1,table2 --schema-only
Note: --schema-only
will not sync non-table objects like functions, extensions etc
unless used in conjunction with --no-constraints
and --add-constraints
(see next section)
If your schema has referential integrity checks, you should do a complete DB sync by dropping
the exising database first. Then you can import the schema without any constraints/triggers
with --no-constraints
, and then pass --add-constraints
when syncing the data:
pgsync --schema-only --no-constraints
pgsync --add-constraints
If you're syncing partial data/tables, you must make sure that the data does not violate any constraints,
otherwise pgsync --add-constraints
will fail
Prevent sensitive information - like passwords and email addresses - from leaving the remote server.
Define rules in .pgsync.yml
email: unique_email
last_name: random_letter
birthday: random_date
value: secret
statement: "(RANDOM() * 10)::int"
encrypted_*: null
matches all columns named last_name
and users.last_name
matches only the users table. Wildcards are supported, and the first matching rule is applied.
Options for replacement are:
- null
- value
- statement
- unique_email
- unique_phone
- random_letter
- random_int
- random_date
- random_time
- random_ip
- untouched
To use with multiple databases, run:
pgsync --setup db2
This creates .pgsync-db2.yml
for you to edit. Specify a database in commands with:
pgsync --db db2
To keep you from accidentally overwriting production, the destination is limited to localhost
by default.
To use another host, add to_safe: true
to your .pgsync.yml
For extremely large tables, sync in batches.
pgsync large_table --in-batches
The script will resume where it left off when run again, making it great for backfills.
pgsync --help
pgsync --version
Use groups when possible to take advantage of parallelism.
For Ruby scripts, you may need to do:
Bundler.with_clean_env do
system "pgsync ..."
gem install pgsync
To use master, run:
gem install specific_install
gem specific_install ankane/pgsync
Inspired by heroku-pg-transfer.
Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Report bugs
- Fix bugs and submit pull requests
- Write, clarify, or fix documentation
- Suggest or add new features