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Cheat Sheet

This Cheat Sheet contains all commands and code examples used in the Arm Research Starter Kit (RSK) on System Modeling using gem5

1. Get Started

Follow these instructions to download all the required materials, build a gem5 binary and run simple examples in both System Call Emulation (SE) and Full System (FS) modes.

Get Arm Research Starter Kit

Clone Repositories

Get and run the script to clone both gem5 and arm-gem5-rsk repositories
$ wget
$ bash

Build gem5

Build gem5 binaries for Arm
$ cd gem5
$ scons build/ARM/gem5.opt -j4 # parallel build

Simulate Arm in gem5

SE Simulation

Run simple SE:
$ ./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/arm/ --cpu="minor" "tests/test-progs/hello/bin/arm/linux/hello" # Hello world!
Run multicore SE:
Note: each core runs its own program
$ ./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/arm/ --cpu="minor" --num-cores=2 "tests/test-progs/hello/bin/arm/linux/hello" "tests/test-progs/hello/bin/arm/linux/hello"

FS Simulation

Get an Arm full system disk image from the gem5 downloads page, and set $M5_PATH:
Note: the download URLs and filenames below are examples, and may change as new binaries are released by the gem5 project. Please also use a suitable $M5_PATH of your choice.
$ export M5_PATH="${PWD}/../m5_binaries"
$ mkdir -p "${M5_PATH}"
$ wget -P "${M5_PATH}"
$ tar -xjf "${M5_PATH}/aarch-system-20220707.tar.bz2" -C "${M5_PATH}"
$ wget -P "${M5_PATH}/disks"
$ bunzip2 "${M5_PATH}/disks/ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img.bz2"
$ echo "export M5_PATH=${M5_PATH}" >> ~/.bashrc
Run simple FS with disk image:
$ ./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/arm/ --cpu="minor" --num-cores=1 \
          --disk-image=$M5_PATH/disks/ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img  --root-device=/dev/vda1
Create a checkpoint after boot:
$ telnet localhost 3456
$ m5 checkpoint
Note: 3456 is the default port number used by the gem5 simulator. If this does not work, the correct port number can be found in the gem5 output:
system.terminal: Listening for connections on port 3456

A more modern alternative is to use the m5term utility provided with gem5.

Restore from a checkpoint:
Note: Arm allows you to specify checkpoints with --restore=m5out/cpt.TICKNUMBER/. Make sure the --num-cores and --disk-image arguments are the same as the original simulation; the --cpu type may be changed.
$ ./build/ARM/gem5.opt configs/example/arm/ --restore=m5out/cpt.TICKNUMBER/ --cpu="minor" --num-cores=1 --disk-image=$M5_PATH/disks/ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img --root-device=/dev/vda1

2. SE Benchmarks

We use the Stanford SingleSource workloads from the LLVM test-suite for benchmarking in the SE mode.

Get and Compile LLVM test-suite

Download the Stanford SingleSource LLVM test-suite:
$ svn export \
Note: The command above uses Subversion's export feature to export a single sub-directory of the LLVM Test Suite Git repository. It is also possible to clone the whole Git repository using git, or to download an archive of the the whole Git repository directly from GitHub.
$ # Clone using Git
$ git clone se-benchmarks
$ cd se-benchmarks
$ git checkout -b llvmorg-3.9.0 tags/llvmorg-3.9.0
$ cd SingleSource/Benchmarks/Stanford
$ # Download an archive directly from GitHub
$ wget
$ unzip -qj llvm-test-suite-llvmorg-3.9.0/SingleSource/Benchmarks/Stanford/* -d se-benchmarks
$ cd se-benchmarks
Install the Arm cross compiler toolchain:
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
Replace se-benchmarks/Makefile with the code below and then make:
Note: replace indentation whitespaces with tabs in your Makefile
SRCS = $(wildcard *.c)
PROGS = $(patsubst %.c,%,$(SRCS))
all: $(PROGS)
%: %.c
      aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc --static $< -o $@
      rm -f $(PROGS)

Run LLVM test-suite

Run LLVM test-suite on HPI:
Note: set <benchmark> and /path_to_benchmark
$ ./build/ARM/gem5.opt -d se_results/<benchmark> configs/example/arm/ --cpu="hpi" /path_to_benchmark
For example, to run the Bubblesort benchmark, run the following command:
$ ./build/ARM/gem5.opt -d se_results/Bubblesort configs/example/arm/ --cpu="hpi" /path_to/se-benchmarks/Bubblesort
Note: some of the benchmarks may take a very long time to run.

Read results of SE runs

To compare the benchmarks, we first need to create a simple configuration file and specify a list of benchmarks to be compared, comparison parameters and an output file. Then, we just pass this configuration file to the bash script.

Step1: create a .ini under the se_results directory (where the results of SE runs are stored), e.g. exe_time.ini looks like this:


Step2: run the bash script from the se_results directory and pass the sample exe_time.ini file as a parameter:
$ # After running simulations for `Bubblesort`, `IntMM`, and `Oscar`
$ cd se_results # where the results of SE runs are stored
$ bash ../../arm-gem5-rsk/ exe_time.ini
$ cat res_exe_time.txt

3. FS Benchmarks

We use The PARSEC Benchmark Suite for benchmarking in FS mode.

Get and Compile PARSEC

Download PARSEC 3.0:
$ wget
$ tar -xvzf parsec-3.0.tar.gz

We describe two ways to compile PARSEC benchmarks for Arm:

  • Cross-compiling on an x86 machine
  • Compiling on QEMU

The common steps apply to both approaches.

Common Steps

Step1: from the parsec-3.0 directory, apply static-patch.diff:
$ patch -p1 < ../arm-gem5-rsk/parsec_patches/static-patch.diff
Step2: replace config.guess and config.sub:
Note: set path to /parsec_dir/ and /absolute_path_to_tmp/
$ mkdir tmp; cd tmp # make a tmp dir outside the parsec dir
$ wget -O config.guess ';a=blob_plain;f=config.guess;hb=HEAD'
$ wget -O config.sub ';a=blob_plain;f=config.sub;hb=HEAD'
$ cd /parsec_dir/ # cd to the parsec dir
$ find . -name "config.guess" -type f -print -execdir cp {} config.guess_old \;
$ find . -name "config.guess" -type f -print -execdir cp /absolute_path_to_tmp/config.guess {} \;
$ find . -name "config.sub" -type f -print -execdir cp {} config.sub_old \;
$ find . -name "config.sub" -type f -print -execdir cp /absolute_path_to_tmp/config.sub {} \;

Cross-Compile PARSEC on x86

Get the aarch64-linux-gnu toolchain:
$ wget
$ tar xvfJ gcc-linaro-5.5.0-2017.10-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz
From the parsec-3.0 directory, apply xcompile-patch.diff:
Note: before applying the patch, change the CC_HOME and the BINUTIL_HOME in the xcompile-patch.diff to point to the downloaded <gcc-linaro directory> and <gcc-linaro directory>/aarch64-linux-gnu directories
$ patch -p1 < ../arm-gem5-rsk/parsec_patches/xcompile-patch.diff
Cross-compile PARSEC:
Note: set <pkgname>
$ export PARSECPLAT="aarch64-linux" # set the platform
$ source ./
$ parsecmgmt -a build -c gcc-hooks -p <pkgname>

Compile PARSEC on QEMU

From the parsec-3.0 directory, apply qemu-patch.diff:
$ patch -p1 < ../arm-gem5-rsk/parsec_patches/qemu-patch.diff
Resolve dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev libfdt-dev libcap-dev libattr1-dev libcap-ng-dev ninja-build
Clone and make QEMU:
$ git clone
$ cd qemu
$ ./configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu --enable-virtfs --enable-slirp
$ make -j$(nproc)
Get the Arm AArch64 kernel and disk image for QEMU:
$ wget
$ wget
$ gzip -dc vexpress64-openembedded_lamp-armv8-gcc-4.9_20150620-722.img.gz > vexpress_arm64.img
Start QEMU:
Note: set path to /shared_directory/
$ ./qemu/build/aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 -m 1024 -cpu cortex-a53 -nographic -machine virt -kernel Image -append 'root=/dev/vda2 rw rootwait mem=1024M console=ttyAMA0,38400n8' -drive if=none,id=image,format=raw,file=vexpress_arm64.img -netdev user,id=user0 -device virtio-net-device,netdev=user0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=image -fsdev local,id=r,path=/shared_directory/,security_model=none -device virtio-9p-device,fsdev=r,mount_tag=r
Mount /shared_directory/ on QEMU:
$ mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio r /mnt
Compile PARSEC on QEMU:
Note: set <pkgname>
$ cd /mnt # cd to the mounted PARSEC directory
$ source ./
$ parsecmgmt -a build -c gcc-hooks -p <pkgname>
$ poweroff # quit QEMU


To run PARSEC benchmarks on Arm, we need to enlarge the disk image and copy the directory of compiled benchmarks parsec-3.0 to it. Then, we need to generate benchmark runscripts and pass them via the --script option to the simulation script

Copy PARSEC to Disk Image

Expand and resize the disk image:
$ cp ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img expanded-ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img
$ dd if=/dev/zero bs=1G count=20 >> ./expanded-ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img # add 20G zeros
$ sudo parted expanded-ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img resizepart 1 100% # grow partition 1
Mount the expanded disk image, resize the filesystem, and copy PARSEC to it:
In order to mount the disk image, we must calculate the offset of the first partition.
Run fdisk to find the start offset (in sectors) and the sector size (in bytes) of the partition.
$ fdisk -l expanded-ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img
Disk expanded-ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img: 21.9 GiB, 23474836480 bytes, 45849290 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x93d4895b

Device                                  Boot Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
expanded-ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img1        128 45849289 45849162 21.9G 83 Linux
In this example the start offset (in sectors) is 128 and the sector size (in bytes) is 512, giving a start offset of 128x512=65536 bytes.
Now mount the disk image, resize the filesystem, and copy PARSEC.
Note: set /path_to_compiled_parsec-3.0_dir/, and change 32256 to the offset in bytes calculted above
$ mkdir disk_mnt
$ sudo mount -o loop,offset=65536 expanded-ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img disk_mnt
$ df # find /dev/loopX for disk_mnt
$ sudo resize2fs /dev/loopX # resize filesystem
$ df # check that the Available space for disk_mnt is increased
$ sudo cp -r /path_to_compiled_parsec-3.0_dir/ disk_mnt/root # copy the compiled parsec-3.0 to the image
$ sudo ls disk_mnt/root # check the parsec-3.0 contents
$ sudo umount disk_mnt


We only show how to run PARSEC on the HPI model. Reading results from stats.txt files can be done by using the script, as shown for the SE mode.

Generate benchmark runscripts
$ cd arm-gem5-rsk/parsec_rcs
$ bash -p <pkgname> -i <simsmall/simmedium/simlarge> -n <nth>
Run starter_fs using the expanded image and benchmark runscript
Note: set both <benchmark> instances
$ ./build/ARM/gem5.opt -d fs_results/<benchmark> configs/example/arm/ --cpu="hpi" --num-cores=1 --disk-image=$M5_PATH/disks/expanded-ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img --root-device=/dev/vda1 --script=../arm-gem5-rsk/parsec_rcs/<benchmark>.rcS
# Example: canneal on 2 cores
$ ./build/ARM/gem5.opt -d fs_results/canneal_simsmall_2 configs/example/arm/ --cpu="hpi" --num-cores=2 --disk-image=$M5_PATH/disks/expanded-ubuntu-18.04-arm64-docker.img --root-device=/dev/vda1 --script=../arm-gem5-rsk/parsec_rcs/canneal_simsmall_2.rcS
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