npm install @questdb/nodejs-client
const { Sender } = require("@questdb/nodejs-client");
async function run() {
// create a sender with a 4k buffer
// it is important to size the buffer correctly so messages can fit
const sender = new Sender({bufferSize: 4096});
// connect to QuestDB
// host and port are required in connect options
await sender.connect({port: 9009, host: "localhost"});
// add rows to the buffer of the sender
sender.table("prices").symbol("instrument", "EURUSD")
.floatColumn("bid", 1.0195).floatColumn("ask", 1.0221).atNow();
sender.table("prices").symbol("instrument", "GBPUSD")
.floatColumn("bid", 1.2076).floatColumn("ask", 1.2082).atNow();
// flush the buffer of the sender, sending the data to QuestDB
// the buffer is cleared after the data is sent and the sender is ready to accept new data
await sender.flush();
// add rows to the buffer again and send it to the server
sender.table("prices").symbol("instrument", "EURUSD")
.floatColumn("bid", 1.0197).floatColumn("ask", 1.0224).atNow();
await sender.flush();
// close the connection after all rows ingested
await sender.close();
return new Promise(resolve => resolve(0));
run().then(value => console.log(value)).catch(err => console.log(err));
const { Sender } = require("@questdb/nodejs-client");
async function run() {
// construct a JsonWebKey
const CLIENT_ID = "testapp";
const PRIVATE_KEY = "9b9x5WhJywDEuo1KGQWSPNxtX-6X6R2BRCKhYMMY6n8";
const PUBLIC_KEY = {
x: "aultdA0PjhD_cWViqKKyL5chm6H1n-BiZBo_48T-uqc",
y: "__ptaol41JWSpTTL525yVEfzmY8A6Vi_QrW1FjKcHMg"
const JWK = {
kty: "EC",
crv: "P-256",
// pass the JsonWebKey to the sender
// will use it for authentication
const sender = new Sender({bufferSize: 4096, jwk: JWK});
// connect() takes an optional second argument
// if 'true' passed the connection is secured with TLS encryption
await sender.connect({port: 9009, host: "localhost"}, true);
// send the data over the authenticated and secure connection
sender.table("prices").symbol("instrument", "EURUSD")
.floatColumn("bid", 1.0197).floatColumn("ask", 1.0224).atNow();
await sender.flush();
// close the connection after all rows ingested
await sender.close();
return new Promise(resolve => resolve(0));
run().then(value => console.log(value)).catch(err => console.log(err));
import { Sender } from "@questdb/nodejs-client";
async function run(): Promise<number> {
// construct a JsonWebKey
const CLIENT_ID: string = "testapp";
const PRIVATE_KEY: string = "9b9x5WhJywDEuo1KGQWSPNxtX-6X6R2BRCKhYMMY6n8";
const PUBLIC_KEY: { x: string, y: string } = {
x: "aultdA0PjhD_cWViqKKyL5chm6H1n-BiZBo_48T-uqc",
y: "__ptaol41JWSpTTL525yVEfzmY8A6Vi_QrW1FjKcHMg"
const JWK: { x: string, y: string, kid: string, kty: string, d: string, crv: string } = {
kty: "EC",
crv: "P-256",
// pass the JsonWebKey to the sender
// will use it for authentication
const sender: Sender = new Sender({bufferSize: 4096, jwk: JWK});
// connect() takes an optional second argument
// if 'true' passed the connection is secured with TLS encryption
await sender.connect({port: 9009, host: "localhost"}, true);
// send the data over the authenticated and secure connection
sender.table("prices").symbol("instrument", "EURUSD")
.floatColumn("bid", 1.0197).floatColumn("ask", 1.0224).atNow();
await sender.flush();
// close the connection after all rows ingested
await sender.close();
return new Promise(resolve => resolve(0));
run().then(value => console.log(value)).catch(err => console.log(err));