Useful application to suggest wake/sleep times for adolescents. Functions of this application include mechanisms for visualizing given data and the use of inforgraphics (such as bar graphs & histograms).
The minimum R version required is 3.0 (R >= 3.0). Currently (as of 6/23), this is supported by RStudio and related IDEs. R 4.2.1 is compatible as well. Several packages/dependencies are used:
- shiny
- shinythemes
- suncalc
- ggplot2
- maptools
- lubridate
- lutz
- tidygeocoder
- tibble
- dplyr
- deSolve
- sf
- tidyverse
- scales
- plotly
Several trials and runs have shown inefficient time complexity with a runtime excedding 5 minutes or so. It is likely (for sample.R) that time complexity surpasses O(2n^2). For this reason, a progess bar will be implemented in the newest updates. Shiny "reactivity" may also have some problems.
Additionally, work is being done to resolve some minor syntax errors along the way.
Progress bars & transient notifications added - 5/29/23.
Working on code optimization (6/27/23).