Official repository of our public work, available products and work portfolio.
Striving to build useful quality products every single day.
- Document Signature System
- Secure Video Conferencing
- Digital Identity (SSI)
- ePayment/eWallet Solution
- NFT Minting Engine
- NFT Marketplace
- Swap Contracts
- Governance Token for Listing
- Lottery
- Staking
- Digital Animal Pet (CryptoKitties clone) App
- Decentralized Tech Platform
- Distributed Storage
- Distributed Database
- Distributed Storage for Enterprise
- ICO/IDO/STO Platform
- Privacy enhance remote data
- ProofID - Blockchain based Identity System
- ProofPay - Payment Processing using blockchain infrastructure
- ProofNFT - Unique Identification Platform
- HaloStac Streaming - Incentivization Layer for P2P Streaming
- HaloStac Storage - Incentivization Layer for Distributed Storage
- ChatBots
- Hot and Cold Training Runtime
- Kube Operator for IPFS
- kube Operator for Substrate node