Simple Storage Contract to store files on a File Systems and EVM based chain (BSC)
- Truffle
- Solidity
- IPFS library (PFS)
This is the front end pfs-bsc-web application (frontend) that calls the PFS library to upload the document and calls the storage contract from the pfs-bsc-contracts.
When a file is uploaded, a hash is generated from the File System. This hash is then rooted and embedded as data (struct) on the transaction. This transaction is then included on block that is then confirmed by a collection of nodes on the network. The contracts here are compatible with any EVM based chain (BSC, ETH, SKL or Polygon).
The main advantage of using on-chain transaction combined with decentralized storage is the imposition of integrity and authenticity of the data stored. Once the data is stored, a content-based address is generated which is unique to a specific file. This address (hash) is then included on the transaction as part of the metadata, which then generates a transaction hash of it's own based on transaction content. This double hash creates authenticity and imposes integrity over the file stored.
It can be used by several business process:
- real estate documents and land transfers
- invoices and financial reports storage
- identity
- sensitive information
- audit trails
- pfs-bsc-contracts - the backend contracts that this front-end calls.
- pfs-bsc-service - REST Service endpoint for consumers who wants to upload directly from their application via REST API.
Reach out at [email protected] for implementation and integration inquiries.