Here you will find some of my projects created in Wokwi Online Arduino Simulator.
If you like it, give me a star 😄
- franzininho-clock.ino code by Uri Shaked
This is the basic example clock with an Franzininho DIY, 74HC595, 7 Segment Display (4 digits) and DS1307 RTC.
- franzininho-scrolling.ino
LED Scrolling Message Sign with an Franzininho DIY, 4 MAX7219, DHT22 and DS1307 RTC.
- franzininho-dice.ino
It displays a number from 1 to 6 with an Franzininho DIY and LED 8x8 MAX7219.
- franzininho-vu-ring.ino
A VU meter built with an Franzininho and one NeoPixel LED rings.
- franzininho-sonar.ino
Ultrasonic Sensor with an Franzininho, 74HC595 and HC-SR04.
- franzininho-dht22.ino
Digital Humidity and Temperature with an Franzininho, DHT22 and SSD1306.
- franzininho-ntc.ino
NTC Temperature Sensor with an Franzininho, NTC and SSD1306.
- nano-pong.ino
Pong is a two-dimensional sports game that simulates table tennis.
- nano-clock.ino
Digital Clock with an Arduino Nano, RTC DS1307 and LCD 16x2.
My first MicroPython example of a 7-segment ascending/descending hexadecimal counter.
- pico-trafic-light.ino
My first Pi Pico example of a Traffic light with LEDs.
- pi-pico-keypad.ino
Example of a 4x4 membrane keypad used to turn on/off LED output.
- splendida-apr.ino
This is my first basic animation example with an Splendida(
- uno-synth.ino code by Peter Knight
Lo-Fi granular synthesiser with an Arduino Uno, buzzer and 5 potentiometers.
These designs or sketches are in the Public Domain, because they are for educational purposes only.