Propse and vAOt to:
- add other wallet addresses, known as Controllers, that will have the right to propose votes and vote on proposals
- remove existing controllers
- have the process send an
message to another AO process (think: multi-sig-like, remote process control)
Active Controllers may create proposals at any time and may also cast their vote at the time of the proposal's creation.
"Action": "Propose",
"Proposal-Type": "Add-Controller"/"Remove-Controller"/"Eval"
Required for Add/Remove-Controller Proposal-Type:
"Controller": "<AO-supported wallet address to use for Add/Remove-Controller"
Required for Eval Proposal Type:
"Process-Id": "<AO Process ID to target for Eval>",
"Data": "<Eval string to send to target Process-Id>"
Optional for all Proposal-Types:
"Vote": "yay" or "nay"
Any current Controller can cast a vote on an In-Progress Proposal. Proposals are completed when either:
- a (round_down(Num Controllers / 2) + 1) majority has voted "yay", e.g. 1/1, 2/2, 2/3, 3/4, 3/5, 4/6, etc.
- a majority of "yay"s can no longer be established, e.g. "nay"s votes are 1/2, 2/4, 3/6, etc.
If the deciding vote Passes the proposal, the proposal is immediately implemented.
"Action": "Vote",
"Proposal-Id": "<Proposal ID string>"
"Vote": "yay" or "nay"
Retrieve the current controller list
Retrieve the current set of active proposals. NOTE: Completed proposals are dropped from state.