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Hranoprovod is command line diet tracking tool. It supports nested recipes and is agnostic to the metrics you choose to track, which makes it perfect for tracking calories, nutrition data, exercises and any other measurement that is accumulated on daily basis.




asdf is an extendable version manager for linux and macOS.

hranoprovod can be installed using a plugin as follows:

asdf plugin add hranoprovod
asdf install hranoprovod latest

from code

First make sure you have go (golang) installed.

Clone the repository and build/install the tool:

git clone
cd hranoprovod-cli/cmd/hranoprovod-cli/
go install


You can run hranoprovod-cli from Docker too

Building the image

docker build --pull --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t aquilax/hranoprovod-cli:latest .

Running a balance report

docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/data/files/:/data aquilax/hranoprovod-cli:latest -d /data/food.yaml -l /data/log.yaml bal


Running the hranoprovod-cli command will show you the command line options

$ ./hranoprovod-cli --help
   hranoprovod-cli - Diet tracker for the command line

   hranoprovod-cli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   dev, commit none, built at unknown

   A command line tool to keep log of diet and exercise in text files

   aquilax <[email protected]>

   register, reg  Shows the log register report
   balance, bal   Shows food balance as tree
   lint           Lints file for parsing errors
   report         Generates various reports
   csv            Generates csv exports
   stats          Provide stats information
   summary        Show summary for date
   print          Print log
   gen            Generate documentation
   help, h        Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --begin DATE, -b DATE      Beginning of period DATE
   --end DATE, -e DATE        End of period DATE
   --today DATE               Overwrite today's date DATE
   --database FILE, -d FILE   optional database file name FILE (default: "food.yaml") [$HR_DATABASE]
   --logfile FILE, -l FILE    log file name FILE (default: "log.yaml") [$HR_LOGFILE]
   --config FILE, -c FILE     Configuration file FILE (default: "/home/aquilax/.hranoprovod/config") [$HR_CONFIG]
   --date-format DATE_FORMAT  Date format for parsing and printing dates DATE_FORMAT (default: "2006/01/02") [$HR_DATE_FORMAT]
   --maxdepth DEPTH           Resolve depth DEPTH (default: 10) [$HR_MAXDEPTH]
   --no-color                 Disable color output (default: false)
   --no-database              Disables loading the database (even if database filename is set) (default: false)
   --help, -h                 show help (default: false)
   --version, -v              print the version (default: false)


Hranoprovod uses two files with very similar format to operate.

Database file (food.yaml)

Contains all the "recipes" in the following format:

$ cat examples/food.yaml
# daily nutrition budget
  calories: -1200
  fat: -124
  carbohydrate: -50
  protein: -104

  # barcode: 0000000000000
  calories: 259
  fat: 3.3
  carbohydrate: 48
  protein: 9

  # boiling time: 12 min
  calories: 155
  fat: 11
  carbohydrate: 1.1
  protein: 13

  calories: 15
  fat: 0.5
  carbohydrate: 1.7
  protein: 0.9

  calories: 680
  fat: 7.5
  carbohydrate: 0.6
  protein: 1

  bread/rye/100g: 0.40
  egg/boiled/100g: 0.20
  vegetables/lettuce/romaine/100g: 0.20
  sauce/mayonnaise/100g: 0.20

  calories: 280
  fat: 13.6
  carbohydrate: 35.1
  protein: 4.29

Hranoprovod is measure agnostic and it's up to the user to use or state the measurements.

Log journal file (log.yaml)

The log file contains dated usage of the recipes, defined in the database file.

$ cat examples/log.yaml
  day/nonworking: 1
  coffee/cup: 1
  sandwich/egg/lettuce/100g: 1.20
  candy/snickers/bar: 1

  day/nonworking: 1
  coffee/cup: 1
  sandwich/egg/lettuce/100g: 1.50
  coffee/cup: 1

Note: it's not mandatory to have the elements in the database file. Elements which are not found will be represented as they are. They can always be added later to the database.


Given this example, the result will look like:

$ ./hranoprovod-cli -d examples/food.yaml -l examples/log.yaml --no-color reg
	day/nonworking              :      1.00
		            calories   -1200.00
		        carbohydrate     -50.00
		                 fat    -124.00
		             protein    -104.00
	coffee/cup                  :      1.00
		          coffee/cup       1.00
	sandwich/egg/lettuce/100g   :      1.20
		            calories     328.32
		        carbohydrate      23.86
		                 fat       6.14
		             protein       7.90
	candy/snickers/bar          :      1.00
		            calories     280.00
		        carbohydrate      35.10
		                 fat      13.60
		             protein       4.29
	-- TOTAL  ----------------------------------------------------
		            calories     608.32   -1200.00 =   -591.68
		        carbohydrate      58.96     -50.00 =      8.96
		          coffee/cup       1.00       0.00 =      1.00
		                 fat      19.74    -124.00 =   -104.26
		             protein      12.19    -104.00 =    -91.81
	day/nonworking              :      1.00
		            calories   -1200.00
		        carbohydrate     -50.00
		                 fat    -124.00
		             protein    -104.00
	coffee/cup                  :      2.00
		          coffee/cup       2.00
	sandwich/egg/lettuce/100g   :      1.50
		            calories     410.40
		        carbohydrate      29.82
		                 fat       7.68
		             protein       9.87
	-- TOTAL  ----------------------------------------------------
		            calories     410.40   -1200.00 =   -789.60
		        carbohydrate      29.82     -50.00 =    -20.18
		          coffee/cup       2.00       0.00 =      2.00
		                 fat       7.68    -124.00 =   -116.32
		             protein       9.87    -104.00 =    -94.13

Balance tree

You can also generate balance tree for single nutrition value:

$ ./hranoprovod-cli -d examples/food.yaml -l examples/log.yaml --no-color bal -s calories
    280.00 | candy
    280.00 |   snickers
    280.00 |     bar
  -2400.00 | day
  -2400.00 |   nonworking
    738.72 | sandwich
    738.72 |   egg
    738.72 |     lettuce
    738.72 |       100g
  -1381.28 | calories

Same result in slightly more compact format:

$ ./hranoprovod-cli -d examples/food.yaml -l examples/log.yaml --no-color bal -s calories -c
    280.00 | candy/snickers/bar
  -2400.00 | day/nonworking
    738.72 | sandwich/egg/lettuce/100g
  -1381.28 | calories