v 0.1, MIT licencse Made in Godot, sprites were made in Krita, music was made in Bosca Ceoil
It is a space western. You are junkie spaceman Reptiloid, named Dr. Ping. You need to capture energy generator to become a ruler or maybe destroyer of this planet, full of priests and demons.
You can run (AD), jump (W), and kill mobs. You have 2 weapons: revolver and bombs (E and Q). Goal of game - kill all enemies.
All arts and main OST were created by our team. We use Oestrogen font https://www.1001freefonts.com/oestrogen.font Sounds were created by https://github.com/inexorgame/audioaugust Arts - Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International
We are going to update sprites, add new enemies and mooooore levels. Also we're working on plot of this game.