Command-line interface for Aptible services.
NOTE: To install the aptible
tool as a system-level binary, Aptible
recommends you install the
Aptible CLI directly, which is
faster and more robust.
Add the following line to your application's Gemfile.
gem 'aptible-cli'
And then run bundle install
From aptible help
aptible apps # List all applications
aptible apps:create HANDLE # Create a new application
aptible apps:deprovision # Deprovision an app
aptible apps:rename OLD_HANDLE NEW_HANDLE [--environment ENVIRONMENT_HANDLE] # Rename an app handle. In order for the new app handle to appear in log drain and metric drain destinations, you must restart the app.
aptible apps:scale SERVICE [--container-count COUNT] [--container-size SIZE_MB] [--container-profile PROFILE] # Scale a service
aptible backup:list DB_HANDLE # List backups for a database
aptible backup:orphaned # List backups associated with deprovisioned databases
aptible backup:purge BACKUP_ID # Permanently delete a backup and any copies of it
aptible backup:restore BACKUP_ID [--environment ENVIRONMENT_HANDLE] [--handle HANDLE] [--container-size SIZE_MB] [--disk-size SIZE_GB] [--container-profile PROFILE] [--iops IOPS] [--key-arn KEY_ARN] # Restore a backup
aptible backup_retention_policy [ENVIRONMENT_HANDLE] # Show the current backup retention policy for the environment
aptible backup_retention_policy:set [ENVIRONMENT_HANDLE] [--daily DAILY_BACKUPS] [--monthly MONTHLY_BACKUPS] [--yearly YEARLY_BACKUPS] [--make-copy|--no-make-copy] [--keep-final|--no-keep-final] [--force] # Change the environment's backup retention policy
aptible config # Print an app's current configuration
aptible config:add [VAR1=VAL1] [VAR2=VAL2] [...] # Add an ENV variable to an app
aptible config:get [VAR1] # Print a specific key within an app's current configuration
aptible config:rm [VAR1] [VAR2] [...] # Remove an ENV variable from an app
aptible config:set [VAR1=VAL1] [VAR2=VAL2] [...] # Add an ENV variable to an app
aptible config:unset [VAR1] [VAR2] [...] # Remove an ENV variable from an app
aptible db:backup HANDLE # Backup a database
aptible db:clone SOURCE DEST # Clone a database to create a new one
aptible db:create HANDLE [--type TYPE] [--version VERSION] [--container-size SIZE_MB] [--disk-size SIZE_GB] [--container-profile PROFILE] [--iops IOPS] [--key-arn KEY_ARN] # Create a new database
aptible db:deprovision HANDLE # Deprovision a database
aptible db:dump HANDLE [pg_dump options] # Dump a remote database to file
aptible db:execute HANDLE SQL_FILE [--on-error-stop] # Executes sql against a database
aptible db:list # List all databases
aptible db:modify HANDLE [--iops IOPS] [--volume-type [gp2, gp3]] # Modify a database disk
aptible db:reload HANDLE # Reload a database
aptible db:rename OLD_HANDLE NEW_HANDLE [--environment ENVIRONMENT_HANDLE] # Rename a database handle. In order for the new database handle to appear in log drain and metric drain destinations, you must reload the database.
aptible db:replicate HANDLE REPLICA_HANDLE [--container-size SIZE_MB] [--disk-size SIZE_GB] [--container-profile PROFILE] [--iops IOPS] [--logical --version VERSION] [--key-arn KEY_ARN] # Create a replica/follower of a database
aptible db:restart HANDLE [--container-size SIZE_MB] [--disk-size SIZE_GB] [--container-profile PROFILE] [--iops IOPS] [--volume-type [gp2, gp3]] # Restart a database
aptible db:tunnel HANDLE # Create a local tunnel to a database
aptible db:url HANDLE # Display a database URL
aptible db:versions # List available database versions
aptible deploy [OPTIONS] [VAR1=VAL1] [VAR2=VAL2] [...] # Deploy an app
aptible endpoints:database:create DATABASE # Create a Database Endpoint
aptible endpoints:database:modify --database DATABASE ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME # Modify a Database Endpoint
aptible endpoints:deprovision [--app APP | --database DATABASE] ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME # Deprovision an App or Database Endpoint
aptible endpoints:grpc:create [--app APP] SERVICE # Create an App gRPC Endpoint
aptible endpoints:grpc:modify [--app APP] ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME # Modify an App gRPC Endpoint
aptible endpoints:https:create [--app APP] SERVICE # Create an App HTTPS Endpoint
aptible endpoints:https:modify [--app APP] ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME # Modify an App HTTPS Endpoint
aptible endpoints:list [--app APP | --database DATABASE] # List Endpoints for an App or Database
aptible endpoints:renew [--app APP] ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME # Renew an App Managed TLS Endpoint
aptible endpoints:tcp:create [--app APP] SERVICE # Create an App TCP Endpoint
aptible endpoints:tcp:modify [--app APP] ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME # Modify an App TCP Endpoint
aptible endpoints:tls:create [--app APP] SERVICE # Create an App TLS Endpoint
aptible endpoints:tls:modify [--app APP] ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME # Modify an App TLS Endpoint
aptible environment:ca_cert # Retrieve the CA certificate associated with the environment
aptible environment:list # List all environments
aptible environment:rename OLD_HANDLE NEW_HANDLE # Rename an environment handle. In order for the new environment handle to appear in log drain/metric destinations, you must restart the apps/databases in this environment.
aptible help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
aptible log_drain:create:datadog HANDLE --url DATADOG_URL --environment ENVIRONMENT [--drain-apps|--no-drain-apps] [--drain-databases|--no-drain-databases] [--drain-ephemeral-sessions|--no-drain-ephemeral-sessions] [--drain_proxies|--no-drain-proxies] # Create a Datadog Log Drain. By default, App, Database, Ephemeral Session, and Proxy logs will be sent to your chosen destination.
aptible log_drain:create:elasticsearch HANDLE --db DATABASE_HANDLE --environment ENVIRONMENT [--drain-apps|--no-drain-apps] [--drain-databases|--no-drain-databases] [--drain-ephemeral-sessions|--no-drain-ephemeral-sessions] [--drain_proxies|--no-drain-proxies] # Create an Elasticsearch Log Drain. By default, App, Database, Ephemeral Session, and Proxy logs will be sent to your chosen destination.
aptible log_drain:create:https HANDLE --url URL --environment ENVIRONMENT [--drain-apps|--no-drain-apps] [--drain-databases|--no-drain-databases] [--drain-ephemeral-sessions|--no-drain-ephemeral-sessions] [--drain_proxies|--no-drain-proxies] # Create a HTTPS Drain
aptible log_drain:create:logdna HANDLE --url LOGDNA_URL --environment ENVIRONMENT [--drain-apps|--no-drain-apps] [--drain-databases|--no-drain-databases] [--drain-ephemeral-sessions|--no-drain-ephemeral-sessions] [--drain_proxies|--no-drain-proxies] # Create a LogDNA/Mezmo Log Drain. By default, App, Database, Ephemeral Session, and Proxy logs will be sent to your chosen destination.
aptible log_drain:create:papertrail HANDLE --host PAPERTRAIL_HOST --port PAPERTRAIL_PORT --environment ENVIRONMENT [--drain-apps|--no-drain-apps] [--drain-databases|--no-drain-databases] [--drain-ephemeral-sessions|--no-drain-ephemeral-sessions] [--drain_proxies|--no-drain-proxies] # Create a Papertrail Log Drain. By default, App, Database, Ephemeral Session, and Proxy logs will be sent to your chosen destination.
aptible log_drain:create:sumologic HANDLE --url SUMOLOGIC_URL --environment ENVIRONMENT [--drain-apps|--no-drain-apps] [--drain-databases|--no-drain-databases] [--drain-ephemeral-sessions|--no-drain-ephemeral-sessions] [--drain_proxies|--no-drain-proxies] # Create a Sumologic Drain. By default, App, Database, Ephemeral Session, and Proxy logs will be sent to your chosen destination.
aptible log_drain:create:syslog HANDLE --host SYSLOG_HOST --port SYSLOG_PORT [--token TOKEN] --environment ENVIRONMENT [--drain-apps|--no-drain-apps] [--drain-databases|--no-drain-databases] [--drain-ephemeral-sessions|--no-drain-ephemeral-sessions] [--drain_proxies|--no-drain-proxies] # Create a Syslog Log Drain. By default, App, Database, Ephemeral Session, and Proxy logs will be sent to your chosen destination.
aptible log_drain:deprovision HANDLE --environment ENVIRONMENT # Deprovisions a log drain
aptible log_drain:list # List all Log Drains
aptible login # Log in to Aptible
aptible logs [--app APP | --database DATABASE] # Follows logs from a running app or database
aptible logs_from_archive --bucket NAME --region REGION --stack NAME [ --decryption-keys ONE [OR MORE] ] [ --download-location LOCATION ] [ [ --string-matches ONE [OR MORE] ] | [ --app-id ID | --database-id ID | --endpoint-id ID | --container-id ID ] [ --start-date YYYY-MM-DD --end-date YYYY-MM-DD ] ] --bucket=BUCKET --region=REGION --stack=STACK # Retrieves container logs from an S3 archive in your own AWS account. You must provide your AWS credentials via the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
aptible maintenance:apps # List Apps impacted by maintenance schedules where restarts are required
aptible maintenance:dbs # List Databases impacted by maintenance schedules where restarts are required
aptible metric_drain:create:datadog HANDLE --api_key DATADOG_API_KEY --site DATADOG_SITE --environment ENVIRONMENT # Create a Datadog Metric Drain
aptible metric_drain:create:influxdb HANDLE --db DATABASE_HANDLE --environment ENVIRONMENT # Create an InfluxDB Metric Drain
aptible metric_drain:create:influxdb:custom HANDLE --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --url URL_INCLUDING_PORT --db INFLUX_DATABASE_NAME --environment ENVIRONMENT # Create an InfluxDB Metric Drain
aptible metric_drain:create:influxdb:customv2 HANDLE --org ORGANIZATION --token INFLUX_TOKEN --url URL_INCLUDING_PORT --bucket INFLUX_BUCKET_NAME --environment ENVIRONMENT # Create an InfluxDB v2 Metric Drain
aptible metric_drain:deprovision HANDLE --environment ENVIRONMENT # Deprovisions a Metric Drain
aptible metric_drain:list # List all Metric Drains
aptible operation:cancel OPERATION_ID # Cancel a running operation
aptible operation:follow OPERATION_ID # Follow logs of a running operation
aptible operation:logs OPERATION_ID # View logs for given operation
aptible rebuild # Rebuild an app, and restart its services
aptible restart # Restart all services associated with an app
aptible services # List Services for an App
aptible services:autoscaling_policy SERVICE # Returns the associated sizing policy, if any
aptible services:autoscaling_policy:set SERVICE --autoscaling-type (horizontal|vertical) [--metric-lookback-seconds SECONDS] [--percentile PERCENTILE] [--post-scale-up-cooldown-seconds SECONDS] [--post-scale-down-cooldown-seconds SECONDS] [--post-release-cooldown-seconds SECONDS] [--mem-cpu-ratio-r-threshold RATIO] [--mem-cpu-ratio-c-threshold RATIO] [--mem-scale-up-threshold THRESHOLD] [--mem-scale-down-threshold THRESHOLD] [--minimum-memory MEMORY] [--maximum-memory MEMORY] [--min-cpu-threshold THRESHOLD] [--max-cpu-threshold THRESHOLD] [--min-containers CONTAINERS] [--max-containers CONTAINERS] [--scale-up-step STEPS] [--scale-down-step STEPS] # Sets the sizing (autoscaling) policy for a service. This is not incremental, all arguments must be sent at once or they will be set to defaults.
aptible services:settings SERVICE [--force-zero-downtime|--no-force-zero-downtime] [--simple-health-check|--no-simple-health-check] # Modifies the zero-downtime deploy setting for a service
aptible ssh [COMMAND] # Run a command against an app
aptible version # Print Aptible CLI version
By default, the Aptible CLI outputs data as unstructured text, designed for human consumption.
If you need to parse the output in another program, set the APTIBLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT
environment variable to json
when calling the Aptible CLI for JSON output.
The default format is text
- Fork the project.
- Commit your changes, with specs.
- Ensure that your code passes specs (
rake spec
) and meets Aptible's Ruby style guide (rake rubocop
). - If you add a command, sync this README (
bundle exec script/sync-readme-usage
). - Create a new pull request on GitHub.
- Frank Macreery (@fancyremarker)
- Graham Melcher (@melcher)
- Pete Browne (@petebrowne)
- Rich Humphrey (@rdh)
- Daniel Levenson (@dleve123)
- Ryan Aipperspach (@ryanaip)
- Chas Ballew (@chasballew)
- Chet Bortz (@cbortz)
MIT License, see LICENSE for details.
Copyright (c) 2019 Aptible and contributors.