I am interested in Data Science as my concentration, This is the first step towards it. I am trying to learn how to Analyze data and derive some useful insights from them
- DataAnalysis: In this code, I have performed some Analysis using Numpy and Pandas libraries in Python I also had to perform some Data Cleaning and Transformation for effecient Analysis and accurate conclusions
- DataAnalysis&Visualization: In this code, I have performed some Analysis on web log files. Also, I have visualized the analysis using plotly to make implications easier.
- BayesianKnowledgeTracing: In this code, I have implemented the Bayesian Knowledge Tracing model to calculate probability that a student already knows a skill/knowledge component(KC) before solving the question to which that skill is relevant. I have also calculated the probability that student will perform a correct action on the question by using the correct performance equation
- In this Code, classification algorithm is implemented on the Dataset. Before classification, data is randomly balanced. Classification algorithms predict whether a student is ONTASK or OFFTASK. Which is done in two ways: o By splitting the data in 70/30 train-test split o By using 10-fold cross-validation Performance Evaluation is also performed to compare the results of all algorithms