SemVer Minor
ClientBootstrap: allow binding sockets (#1490 )
ByteBuffer: add convenience initialisers (#1533 )
PipeBootstrap: fix file type change & accept 1 fd (#1543 )
Channel option to enable ECN reporting (#1506 )
Make SocketAddress Hashable. (#1532 )
SemVer Patch
fix cores count in containers (#1518 , patch credit to @gautierdelorme )
don't blow up if schedule happens during EL shutdown (#1530 )
workaround SR-12939 (#1546 )
remove fullFilePath() hack (#1544 )
remove XCTest expectations with timeouts (#1539 )
silence the #file used instead of #filepath warning (#1526 )
crash tester test suite (#1536 )
Fine grained UDP allocation tests (#1534 )
Finer grained allocation tests (#1531 )
thread takeover: test it unsets current EL (#1529 )
HTTPEncoder: fix 0 length chunks (#1524 )
Supply allocation limits for UDP allocation tests (#1523 )
Detail the best way to request a re-review (#1522 )
Extra information to contributors (#1491 )
fix linker check test (#1519 )
Add a note about failing child channel initializers (#1516 )
survive having disableSIGPIPE fail (#1515 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.