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Misc Utility programs in Stata. Brief intros below.


Creates discrete values (bins) for a specified continuous variable, either using the percentile cutpoints specified in cutpoints(a, b, c) or into N number of uniform sized bins as specified in nbins(n). Useful when trying to frame a regression specification as a classification problem to be handled using an ordered/multinomial logit (e.g. low / medium / high cost based on cutpoints).

discretize total_cost, gen(cost_level) cut(25 50 75)
discretize total_cost, gen(bins) nbins(200)


Winsorizes specified variable at cutpoints specified in AT(lowerbound upperbound) or lim(limit 100-limit) and optionally generates new variable.

winsorize price, gen(newprice) at (1 99)


Replaces dataset in memory with a frequency table of variables and interactions. Accepts dummy variables, factor variables, and their interactions and produces a labelled table (by extracting appropriate variable and value labels, if they exist) of counts for dummies (e.g. female, rur_urb ), each level of factor variables (, and each cell in the crosstab between categorical variables separated by * or # (

Example of use:

  use exampledata, clear // contains individual level data on income, sex, education, country, rural/urban location
  gl rhs_vars female rur_urb i.educ
  freq_table $rhs_vars
  save freqs, replace

freqs.dta now contains:

Raw Label Count Pct
rur_urb == 1 Urban == 1 24 0.2
educ == 1 Education == No HS 43 0.36
educ == 2 Education == HS 40 0.33
educ == 3 Education == College 24 0.2
educ == 1 X country == 2 Education == No HS X Country == United States 12 0.1

and so on.


Calculates the variable Y = XB where X is a subset of N variables in the currently loaded dataset, B is an arbitrary column vector (NX1 matrix). Basically a way to construct predicted values from a regression when the coefficients have been stored in a matrix / read in from elsewhere. Produces identical results to predict when used with the postestimation e(b) coefficient vector.

sysuse auto, clear
mat A = [1\2\3]
dot_product fitted_val A price weight trunk


Adds prefix of variable label / variable name to stata value labels so that regression output can be filtered and sorted in excel. So, value labels for values 1 "United States" 2 "Nepal" 3 "United Kingdom" become 1 "Country: United States" 2 "Country: Nepal" 3 "Country: United Kingdom" , so that excel's filter and sort functions work nicely.

  use exampledata, clear // contains individual level data on income, sex, education, country, rural/urban location
  prefix_labels sex country education
  reg income sex education
  esttab using "output.csv", label replace


Wrapper for default tab/tab2 commands that temporarily adds numeric value prefixes and drops them afterwards (so that they don't affect graphs etc.)

bettertab race sex


Race 1.F 2.M Total
1. Black 1 2 3
2. White 4 5 9
3. Asian 7 8 15
4. Native American 10 11 21


Duplicate functionality with codebook, but returns scalar that can be used for calculations / stored as a variable in a loop.

count_unique teacher classroom
sca ntc = `r(nv)'


Detailed report on duplicates / missing values in variable.

duprep student_id
// returns
Distinct populated obs : 542
% Singletons : 45
Min obs : 1
Mean obs : 4
Max obs: 50
% of obs with missing values: 1


A display-friendly wrapper of the default timer that displays runtime of any section of code between dtimer on and dtimer off in hours/minutes/seconds.


Searches for string specified in for() in varlist, optionally generates flag for observations where matches were found.

lookin enr2000 enr2001 enr2002, for("Y") g(enr_2000_2002)


Checks for variation in variable(s) across other variable(s)

unstable gender age, by(student)


Takes variable and cutpoints and generates dummies with prefix specified in prefix. Example:

partition_var age, cut(0 35 50 75) prefix(age)

generates the variables (with the appropriate variable labels): a_0_35 a_36_50 a_51_75 a76


Generates entire folder structure for path necessary, which the native mkdir command cannot do.

pathmake "C:/Users/alal/Desktop/test1/temp/test2/test3/test4/test5"

creates the entire folder structure, even though the subdirectories didn't exist to begin with.


Returns a long string separated by OR (|) or AND(&) operators that can be used in subsequent calculations.

loc test "age05 age610 age1115 male old"
cond_stitcher `test', sep(|)
// returns "age05|age610|age1115|male|old"
count if `r(cond)'
> 55


Wrapper for ds command that does not abbreviate variable names. Preferable to ds for interactive use.


Order and Keep varlist.


Run the following line in the Stata console:

net install lal_utilities, from(

Or, if you prefer, download ados and move to your personal ado folder / c(sysdir_personal) (where ssc-installed ados live) Will upload sthlp files at some point.


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