This folder contains all the codes and results written for the Single-Step Parity Check Gate Set paper. If you use any of the code, please cite the software and the paper:
For the software: by clicking the "Cite this repository" button or simply by copy and paste the following text:
Üstün, G., Morello, A., Devitt, S., & Pitchford, A. (2023). CNOT Gate Implementation on Silicon Spin System Using GRAPE Algorithm (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software]. or @software{Ustun_CNOT_Gate_Implementation_2023, author = {Üstün, Gözde and Morello, Andrea and Devitt, Simon and Pitchford, Alexander}, month = apr, title = {{CNOT Gate Implementation on Silicon Spin System Using GRAPE Algorithm}}, url = {}, version = {1.0.0}, year = {2023} }
@software{Ustun_Implementing-XX-Single-Step-Parity-Check-Gate-on-Silicon-Spin-System_2023, author = {Üstün, Gözde and Morello, Andrea and Devitt, Simon and Pitchford, Alexander}, month = apr, title = {{Implementing-XX-Single-Step-Parity-Check-Gate-on-Silicon-Spin-System}}, url = {}, version = {1.0.0}, year = {2023}
Üstün, G., Morello, A., & Devitt, S. (2023). Error Analysis in the context of Quantum Error Correction (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software]. or @software{Ustun_Error_Analysis_in_2023, author = {Üstün, Gözde and Morello, Andrea and Devitt, Simon}, month = apr, title = {{Error Analysis in the context of Quantum Error Correction}}, url = {}, version = {1.0.0}, year = {2023} }
For the paper: @misc{üstün2023singlestep, title={Single-Step Parity Check Gate Set for Quantum Error Correction}, author={Gözde Üstün and Andrea Morello and Simon Devitt}, year={2023}, eprint={2306.08849}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={quant-ph} }
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