Welcome to Emoje (pronounced E-MOHJ like Doge) where you can buy and sell emojis in a Steam Marketplace-like setting. Each user starts with e̩̍10000 (Emojecoin) which can be used to purchase looboxes containing emojis of various rarities which can then be bought and sold in either a global market or just between members of a server. Take a look at some of our features below!
Join this server to test the bot!
Run +lootbox open
to purchase and open a loot box, giving you 4 random emojis of random rarities (Blue: Common, Green: Rare, Magenta: Epic, Gold: Legendary). Emoji rarities are dynamically determined by market prices, meaning that emojis that are more valued in the economy are harder to get in lootboxes.
View a list of emojis for sale on the global by running the command +market listings
, then buy an emoji with +market buy <emoji>
You can also sell your own emojis with +market sell <emoji> <cost>
Invest your Emojecoin in real stocks and cryptocurrencies! The price of a stock or cryptocurrency is determined by the price in US dollars, so you can buy 10 shares of AAPL for e̩̍2000, wait until the price goes up and sell it later for e̩̍2500.
Use +invest in <stock|cryptocurrency> <symbol> <amount>
to buy stocks or cryptocurrencies:
Use +invest sell <stock|cryptocurrency> <symbol> <amount>
to sell stocks or cryptocurrencies:
Run +investments
to view your investments:
Run the command +profile
to view your profile which shows information about how much currency and how many investments and emojis you have.
Run the command +inventory
see how many of each type of emoji you currently own.