This is an AEM 6.2 reference implementation for retail industry
The main parts of the template are:
- core: Java bundle containing all core functionality like OSGi services, listeners or schedulers, as well as component-related Java code such as servlets or request filters.
- ui.apps: contains the /apps (and /etc) parts of the project, ie JS&CSS clientlibs, components, templates, runmode specific configs as well as Hobbes-tests
- ui.content: contains sample content using the components from the ui.apps
- it.tests: Java bundle containing JUnit tests that are executed server-side. This bundle is not to be deployed onto production.
- it.launcher: contains glue code that deploys the ui.tests bundle (and dependent bundles) to the server and triggers the remote JUnit execution
- all: additional module to build a single package embedding ui.apps and ui.content
To build all the modules run in the project root directory the following command with Maven 3:
mvn clean install
If you have a running AEM instance you can build and package the whole project and deploy into AEM with
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage
Or to deploy it to a publish instance, run
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackagePublish
Or to deploy only the bundle to the author, run
mvn clean install -PautoInstallBundle
To build a single package
mvn clean install -PbuildSinglePackage
To install single package on an AEM instance
mvn clean install -PbuildSinglePackage -PautoInstallSinglePackage
This project relies on the unobfuscated AEM 6.2 UberJar. This is not publicly available from and must be manually downloaded from After downloading the file (cq-quickstart-6.2.0-apis.jar), you must install it into your local Maven repository with this command:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=cq-quickstart-6.2.0-apis.jar -DgroupId=com.adobe.aem -DartifactId=uber-jar -Dversion=6.2.0 -Dclassifier=apis -Dpackaging=jar
There are three levels of testing contained in the project:
unit test in core: this show-cases classic unit testing of the code contained in the bundle. To test, execute:
mvn clean test
server-side integration tests: this allows to run unit-like tests in the AEM-environment, ie on the AEM server. To test, execute:
mvn clean integration-test -PintegrationTests
client-side Hobbes.js tests: JavaScript-based browser-side tests that verify browser-side behavior. To test:
in the navigation, go the 'Operations' section and open the 'Testing' console; the left panel will allow you to run your tests.
The project comes with the auto-public repository configured. To setup the repository in your Maven settings, refer to: