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PWAF (Python Webdriver Automation Framework)

This is web automation framework, implemented using Python & Webdriver. Page Object Model (POM) is used to make the code more readable, maintainable, and reusable.


  1. Python
  2. pip
  3. Selenium/WebDriver
  4. nosetests & nose-html-reporting
  5. Browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE)
  6. Respective Browser drivers
  7. Pycharm

How to run?

Test scripts can be executed by nosetests:

nosetests -s -v --nologcapture <>

e.g: nosetests -s -v --nologcapture

Execute different group of test:

nosetests -s -v --nologcapture -a group= <>

e.g: nosetests -s -v --nologcapture -a group=smoke

Get Test-reports:

nosetests -s -v --nologcapture --with-html --html-report= <>

e.g: nosetests -s -v --nologcapture --with-html --html-report=test_report.html

Note: Kindly set the respective browser's driver path either to System variable or update it in

e.g: self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path="geckodriver path") # in case of Firefox browser.



Coverage Plan:

Contents Status
Framework level Page Object Model Done
Profiles Done
Cross browsers & cross platform
Locators Learning how to get locators.
Functionality To Automate Challenging DOM Done
Checkboxes Done
Context Menu Done
Disappearing Elements Done
Drag and Drop Done
Dropdown Done
Dynamic Content
Dynamic Controls Done
Dynamic Loading Done
File Download Done
File Upload Done
Floating Menu
Frames Done
Horizontal Slider
Hovers Done
Infinite Scroll
JQuery UI Menus
JavaScript Alerts
Key Presses
Large & Deep DOM
Multiple Windows Done
Nested Frames Done
Notification Messages
Redirect Link
Shifting Content