This project aims at developping a inventory tracking system for a department in a college.
The Documentation of the project can be found in the project folder "Documentation". This folders contains the requuired PDF's and their corresponding LateX codes.
Frontend: JavaFX
Backend: Java
Database: MySQL
Tools Used: Scene Builder, MySQL Workbench
Install ITS project files directory using git clone, Run:
git clone
Your local Machine must have MySQL installed and MySQL Workbench(preferably for excuting .sql scripts)
Create a Local MySQL connection of SQL server in your machine with :
username: "root"
password: "krmrhzb12"
Hostname: "localhost"
port: 3306
Connection name: "MySql80"
Now direct to SQL_codes folder in home directory of the project, then run the scripts:
For setting up of the database to use run:
For loading of data required intially to run the application:
For resetting the whole database:
For deleting all the tables in the database:
When database is resetted we need to run project_its_data_loading.sql script to use the application.
When database is deleted we need to run project_its_create_tables.sql and project_its_data_loading.sql scripts to use the application.
Install IntellJ IDEA from the following link based on your machine:
This is the IDE used for running the project.
Install Oracle OpenJDK version 19 from(or otherwise IntellJ asks for install, install at that time):
- Open the project in IntellJ.
- Go to File -> Project Structure -> Modules.
- Now in the right tab go to Dependencies tab, then press "+" icon.
- Then select "JARs or Directories", now locate to ~/src/dependencies in project home directory. Select all the JARs in that directory and add them to the dependencies of the project.
- Then press Apply button to add the dependencies to our project.
- Locate to ~src/main/java/com/example/page12/
- Now run file to use the Application.
First we login in as Admin and then we can generate all the required fields info from that to use the application furthur.
Initial Login credentials:
Username: "AD1"
password: 1234
Note: Username is case insensitive.