Virtual LoRa packet forwarder that forwards RF packets from API to a server through a IP/UDP link, and emits RF packets that are sent by the server. To be used for Node.js applications.
In LoRaWAN, you need real gateways and real devices for your real test case. However, it is simpler to using a simulated gateway and simulated devices in order to choose the best LoRaWAN Network Server that fulfills your real requirements.
npm install --save packet-forwarder
Send an uplink to remote Network Server using Packet Forwarder protocol. Fake gateway EUI, fake network server and fake message content have been used in the next usage example.
const PacketForwarder = require('packet-forwarder')
async function sendFakeUplink() {
const gateway = 'DABBCCFFFF2A79CB'
const target = ''
const port = 1234
const packetForwarder = new PacketForwarder({ gateway, target, port })
const message = {
rxpk: [{
time: '2018-05-01T12:00:00Z',
tmms: null,
tmst: 1525168800,
freq: 868300000,
chan: null,
rfch: 0,
stat: 0,
modu: 'LORA',
datr: 'SF8BW125',
codr: '4/5',
rssi: -97,
lsnr: 12,
size: 16,
await packetForwarder.sendUplink(message)
await packetForwarder.close()
Clone repository, install dependencies and run tests npm test
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We use SemVer for versioning.
- Antonio Bustos - Initial work - antoniobusrod
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details