There are three VueJS apps:
1.SPA app for recording Notes list , developed by simple VueJS.
2.App for fetching Starwars Planets and Profiles from external API from web. It used advanced Vue fetaures like Vue Router and Vuex store for managing application states.
3.Jokester App - based fully on Vuejs and Vuex. User can add new jokes, remove jokes,filter jokes by type.Jokes are fetched for external API on web built in Ruby on Rails.
For fast usage, follow this guide on your CLI after $:
- $ git clone REPOSITORY in your xxx folder
- $ cd xxx
- $ npm install
- go to wanting app folder StarbaseApp/NotemasterApp/JokesterApp : $ cd StarbaseApp/NotemasterApp/JokesterApp
- $ npm run dev -started server on port 8080.
Access App on: http://localhost:8080/ .
Thanks for your time !