boilerplate of docker compose deployment to fargare
- Follow the guide in order to install awscli v1 -
- Follow the guide in order to install esc-cli -
- Execute command in order to create IAM role -
aws iam --region eu-central-1 create-role --role-name ecsTaskExecutionRole --assume-role-policy-document file://task-execution-assume-role.json
- Attach a policy to the role -
aws iam --region eu-central-1 attach-role-policy --role-name ecsTaskExecutionRole --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy
- Create a cluster configuration, which defines the AWS region to use, resource creation prefixes, and the cluster name to use with the Amazon ECS CLI -
ecs-cli configure --cluster test --default-launch-type FARGATE --config-name test-config --region eu-central-1
- Create a CLI profile using your access key and secret key -
ecs-cli configure profile --access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret-key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --profile-name test-profile
- Create a cluster and wright down VPC ID and Subnets -
ecs-cli up --cluster-config test-config --ecs-profile test-profile
- Using the AWS CLI, retrieve the default security group ID for the VPC. Use the VPC ID from the previous output
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-05b06be99632813ac --region eu-central-1
- Update
file with Subnets and Security Group details - Deploy container -
ecs-cli compose --project-name tutorial service up --create-log-groups --cluster-config test-config --ecs-profile test-profile
- View the Running Containers on a Cluster -
ecs-cli compose --project-name tutorial service ps --cluster-config test-config --ecs-profile test-profile
- View the Container Logs -
ecs-cli logs --task-id <task id from the command above> --follow --cluster-config test-config --ecs-profile test-profile
- Stop and delete service -
ecs-cli compose --project-name tutorial service down --cluster-config test-config --ecs-profile test-profile
- Delete ECS cluster -
ecs-cli down --force --cluster-config test-config --ecs-profile test-profile