These programs must be installed for these configs to work:
Software | Description | Installation |
i3-gaps | Window manager | sudo pacman -S i3-gaps |
feh | Set wallpapers | sudo pacman -S feh |
rofi | Application launcher | sudo pacman -S rofi |
pywal | Palette generator | sudo pacman -S python-pywal |
Kitty | Terminal emulator | sudo pacman -S kitty |
yay | AUR package manager | Instructions here |
polybar | Status bar | yay -S polybar |
picom | Window transparency | yay -S picom |
Software | Description | Installation |
oh my zsh | zsh themes | sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" |
playerctl | Prerequisite for Spotify module in status bar | sudo pacman -S playerctl |
zscroll | Prerequisite for Spotify module in status bar | yay -S zscroll |
After, paste the files from the config folder to ~/.config
and install the required fonts (below)
Required for polybar modules to work. After installing, execute sudo fc-cache
to refresh fonts.
Font | Installation |
Font Awesome | yay -S otf-font-awesome ttf-font-awesome |
Font Awesome 5 Free | yay -S otf-font-awesome-5-free |
Iosevka Nerd | yay -S ttf-iosevka |
Noto Sans CJK | yay -S noto-fonts-cjk |
FiraCode Nerd | yay -S nerd-fonts-fira-code |
Powerline | sudo pacman -S powerline-fonts |
- Window opacities can be changed in the
file - The wallpaper (with pywal palettes) can be changed through adding the image path to the
config file.- Alternatively, a
command is included in the.zshrc
file that sets a wallpaper and generates a palette using pywal, but will reset to the config defaults upon refresh
- Alternatively, a
- zsh theme can be changed through editing
in the.zshrc
config- Paste
and change the name on line 40
- Paste
Make all .sh files executable using
chmod u+x [file].sh
. Otherwise polybar and certain modules will not work!
Software | Description | Installation |
cli-visualiser | Music visualiser | sudo pacman -S ncurses fftw cmake and yay -S cli-visualizer |
pokemon-colorscripts | Pokemon sprites in terminal | yay -S pokemon-colorscripts-git |
neofetch | Device statistics | sudo pacman -S neofetch |
ranger | File manager | sudo pacman -S ranger |
- Setup Betterdiscord with pywal
- Setup Spicetify with pywal
- Setup Firefox with pywal
- Nvim, vim-plug, zathura (with pywal), zathura-pdf-mupdf, vimtex, texlive-most documentation