This action validates the following in a PR:
- A commit in the pull request has the JIRA issue key in the commit message. Note, that the commit cannot be a merge commit.
- The JIRA issue key is at the beginning of the pull request title.
- The source branch name also includes the JIRA issue key at the beginning of the branch name.
To use this action create a github workflow like:
type: opened, synchronize, reopened, edited
contents: read
pull-requests: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Check the PR for DVCS integration
- id: foo
uses: ansible/dvcs-action@v3
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
In order to test locally we need to set an environment variable called PULL_REQUEST
This can be accomplished by doing a curl command (change and to match what you want to test):
export PULL_REQUEST=$(curl<repo>/pulls/<pull number>)
After that is set you can run the python scrip with the --dry-run
command to prevent it from trying to update the PR you are testing:
./ --dry-run
This will add additional debugging statements as well as not trying to modify the PR.
NOTE: this will use unauthenticated GitHub API requests which are throttled by default. If you hit your limit you will need to wait until your counter resets to test again.