It would be a shame if my touchpad settings would get lost.
Wallpaper 1: Miyavi concert, 2017 Budapest, A38 (modified to fit better with gruvbox)
Wallpaper 2: Screenshot from Blade Runner 2049
Color scheme: Gruvbox
Xfce4-terminal theme: gruvbox-dark-hard
GTK Theme: oomox-Gruvbox
Spotify Theme: Gruvbox-Gold
Sublime Text 3: gruvbox
Chrome theme: chrome-gruvbox
i3blocks scripts:
- battery: modified to show changing icon
- brightness
- covid: shows the current COVID data of Hungary with changes from previous day + sends a notify with the full data if clicked on
- date: sends a notify with the output of cal if clicked on
- disk
- ibus engine switcher: my own, switches between Hungarian and Japanese (mozc) inputs on click (and shows the current input mode)
- ssid: changed command to nmcli, shows if not connected, if clicked on opens rofi wifi
- volume-pulseaudio: changed colors
- weather: changed icons to match API icons, removed -0℃, added feels like temperature
- wanikani: my own, shows current review number
Rofi modules:
- nmcli-rofi: changed theme + added signal
- kill
- power menu: added more options, changed icons
- finder