Provide an introduction to the concept of object detection in computer vision. Explain its significance and applications.
Explain what OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is and why it's used for object detection.
Discuss why Python is chosen as the programming language for this project.
Mention NumPy's role in handling numerical operations and data structures, which is crucial for preprocessing and handling data in object detection tasks.
Discuss any preprocessing steps applied to the input data (e.g., resizing, normalization).
Walk through the implementation of the object detection script:
Postprocessing: Describe any postprocessing steps applied to the detected objects (e.g., filtering, non-maximum suppression).
Provide code snippets from your implementation to illustrate key points.
Discuss how you evaluated the performance of your object detection model. Include metrics used and results obtained.
Offer practical tips for using your implementation effectively.
Discuss potential improvements or extensions to your project (e.g., using different models, optimizing performance).
Summarize the key points discussed and highlight the significance of your project in the context of object detection and computer vision.
This file are created by @Ankitwarbhe under the guidance of Ilias Papachristos
A special thanks to @rsrinath14 for your valuable contribution