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Fusion Maps XT offers interactive maps to plot geographical data like revenue by regions, population by state, survey and election results effectively. You can also drop markers on the map to pinpoint places like office locations and flight routes. It has over 1000 maps including all continents, major countries and all the US states.


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Implement Simple Map fusion chart with react app

FusionCharts is a JavaScript charting library which provides more than 95 charts and 2,000 maps which can be use full in mobile and web applications.

Official Links

Getting Started

Note: NPM or Yarn must be installed globally on your local pc.

Installation Fusion Chart Library

Note: In demo for designing purpose we used the simple bootstrap library.

We will use react-fusioncharts component to integrate fusion chart functionality.

Install from NPM or from Yarn

npm install --save react-fusioncharts


yarn add react-fusioncharts


  • create react app using your specific app name in desire folder path create-react-app
  • once you create the react app successfully there will be app.js file lies in src folder.
  • now we need to import react-fusioncharts and FusionCharts in your app.js file
import FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
import Maps from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.maps';
import World from 'fusioncharts/maps/';
import ReactFC from 'react-fusioncharts';
import FusionTheme from 'fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion';

ReactFC.fcRoot(FusionCharts, Maps, World, FusionTheme);

Note: This way of import will not work in IE11 and below.

Configuration setting for chart

        type: 'world',
        width: '100%',
        height: 450,
        dataFormat: 'json',
        dataSource: {
            "chart": {
              "theme": "fusion",
              "caption": "Increased Population History by country Last Year",
              "xAxisName": "Population",
              "yAxisName": "Growth",
              "entityFillHoverColor": "#FFF9C4",
              "numberSuffix": "%",
              "showBorder": "1",
              "borderColor": "#ccc",
              "bgColor": "#FFFFFF",
              //Tooltip customization
              "toolTipBorderColor": "#666666",
              "toolTipBgColor": "#efefef",
              "toolTipBgAlpha": "80",
              "showToolTipShadow": "1",
              "plotBorderThickness": "0.25",
              "showxaxispercentvalues": "1",
              "showValues": "1"
            "colorrange": {
              "color": [{
                "minvalue": "0",
                "maxvalue": "100",
                "color": "#FFD74D"
              }, {
                "minvalue": "0",
                "maxvalue": "100",
                "color": "#FB8C00"
              }, {
                "minvalue": "0",
                "maxvalue": "100",
                "color": "#E65100"
            "data": []

Data Source Collection

       "data": [{
             "id": "NA",
             "value": "20",
             "showLabel": "1"
           }, {
             "id": "SA",
             "value": "30",
             "showLabel": "1"
           }, {
             "id": "AS",
             "value": "48",
             "showLabel": "1"
           }, {
             "id": "EU",
             "value": "20",
             "showLabel": "1"
           }, {
             "id": "AF",
             "value": "2.58",
             "showLabel": "1"
           }, {
             "id": "AU",
             "value": "15",
             "showLabel": "1"

This sample static data collection need to pass in configuration setting.

Attach the callback to an event through the React-FC component:

 <ReactFC {...chartConfigsSettings} /> 
Consider the example to integrate or implement fusion chart in the react app.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
import Maps from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.maps';

//download all map from
import WorldWithCountries from 'fusioncharts/maps/fusioncharts.worldwithcountries';
import ReactFCWorldWithCountries  from 'react-fusioncharts';
import ReactFCWorld from 'react-fusioncharts';
import FusionTheme from 'fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion';
import World from 'fusioncharts/maps/';

ReactFCWorldWithCountries.fcRoot(FusionCharts, Maps, WorldWithCountries, FusionTheme);
ReactFCWorld.fcRoot(FusionCharts, Maps, World, FusionTheme);

class MapChart extends Component {
    state = {
        dataSource_world: {
            "chart": {
                canvasBorderColor: "#000000",
                canvasBorderThickness: 1,
                showBorder: true,
                borderColor: "#000000",
                showCanvasBorder: true,
                theme: "fusion",
                caption: "Increased Population History by country Last Year",
                xAxisName: "Population",
                yAxisName: "Growth",
                entityFillHoverColor: "#FFF9C4",
                numberSuffix: "%",
                showBorder: "1",
                bgColor: "#FFFFFF",
                //Tooltip customization
                toolTipBorderColor: "#666666",
                toolTipBgColor: "#efefef",
                toolTipBgAlpha: "80",
                showToolTipShadow: "1",
                plotBorderThickness: "0.25",
                showxaxispercentvalues: "1",
                showValues: "1"
            colorrange: {
                "color": [{
                    "minvalue": "0",
                    "maxvalue": "100",
                    "color": "#FFD74D"
                }, {
                    "minvalue": "0",
                    "maxvalue": "100",
                    "color": "#FB8C00"
                }, {
                    "minvalue": "0",
                    "maxvalue": "100",
                    "color": "#E65100"
            data: [{
                "id": "NA",
                "value": "20",
                "showLabel": "1"
            }, {
                "id": "SA",
                "value": "30",
                "showLabel": "1"
            }, {
                "id": "AS",
                "value": "48",
                "showLabel": "1"
            }, {
                "id": "EU",
                "value": "20",
                "showLabel": "1"
            }, {
                "id": "AF",
                "value": "2.58",
                "showLabel": "1"
            }, {
                "id": "AU",
                "value": "15",
                "showLabel": "1"
        dataSource_worldWithCountry: {
            "chart": {
                showCanvasBorder: true,
                canvasBorderColor: "#000000",
                canvasBorderThickness: 1,
                showBorder: true,
                borderColor: "#000000",
                fillColor: "#f1f1f1",
                caption: "* USA traffic not displayed on Heat Map",
                includevalueinlabels: "1",
                showHoverEffect: false,
                showEntityHoverEffect: false,
                theme: "fusion",
            data: [
                    "id": "27",
                    "value": "8",
                    "color" : "#f65122"
                    "id": "159",
                    "value": "3",
                    "color" : "#fcc50b"
                    "id": "142",
                    "value": "3",
                    "color" : "#f65122"
                    "id": "141",
                    "value": "9",
                    "color" : "#f3172d"
                    "id": "173",
                    "value": "9",
                    "color" : "#f3172d"
                    "id": "113",
                    "value": "5",
                    "color" : "#f65122"
                    "id": "193",
                    "value": "5",
                    "color" : "#f65122"
                    "id": "122",
                    "value": "9",
                    "color" : "#f65122"

    render() {
        return (
                <h2 style={{textAlign:"center"}}>Map With World Chart</h2>
                <div style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
                        dataSource={this.state.dataSource_worldWithCountry} />
                <br />
                <h2 style={{ textAlign: "center" }}>Map World Chart</h2>
                <div style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
                        dataSource={this.state.dataSource_world} />
                <br />
                <br />

export default MapChart;

ISSUE : With current package fusion chart library not provided all map collection

Fusion Maps XT offers interactive maps to plot geographical data like revenue by regions, population by state, survey and election results effectively. You can also drop markers on the map to pinpoint places like office locations and flight routes. It has over 1000 maps including all continents, major countries and all the US states.

Fusion chart library initially not provided any collection of maps. Whenever you install fusion chart library on initial base it has only few maps file in map folder of package. Due to that reason you're file is not available in the whole package. They provided the link on their official page for download all the map related to fusion map chart.

To render these maps, you need to download the map definition files from here and copy-paste the maps folder within your fusion charts directory.

Please follow the steps
  1. open link
  2. click on Download Map Definition Files( which contains collection of all the maps available in Fusion Maps XTall the maps available in Fusion Maps XT
  3. after download copy the /maps folder from this download package and paste it in your fusion charts folder.
  4. now run you're existing application the file will be found and your react application will work as expected.


The FusionCharts React component is open-source and distributed under the terms of the MIT/X11 License. However, you will need to download and include FusionCharts library in your page separately, which has a separate license.


Fusion Maps XT offers interactive maps to plot geographical data like revenue by regions, population by state, survey and election results effectively. You can also drop markers on the map to pinpoint places like office locations and flight routes. It has over 1000 maps including all continents, major countries and all the US states.








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