Final project for course Application Engineering Development- IOT based home management application using Java Swing
1. Problem Statement
A Smart Home is one that provides its home owners comfort, security, energy efficiency (low operating costs) and convenience always, regardless of whether anyone is home.
We are creating a management system for homes using IOT in which all the necessary task like grocery management, bill payment, parking management, security and maintenance can be completed automatically by making the systems communicate with their respective organizations.
It will enable a better living experience for home owners as well as will be beneficial for other businesses having stakes in the management of home like retailers, security agency, billing teams etc.
2. Application Key Functionalities:
Login/Register page of the IOT Smart Home application
Account ID verification of various utilities like electricity, setting values for groceries etc.
Work Queue Screen
Status Screen
Transaction History Screen
Smart Wallet
3. Proposed Entities:
Government Enterprise: Water and Electricity Organization.
Security Enterprise: Security Organization
Market Enterprise: Grocery, Retailer, Delivery Organization.
Society Enterprise: Maintenance, Parking, Garbage and Event Management Organization.
Organization Roles:
Admin Role
Customer Role
Society Level: Society admin, garbage manager, event manager, maintenance manager roles, employees.
Government Level: Water, electricity and government admin roles.
Grocery Level: Retailer, delivery, grocery admin roles and employees.
4. Additional Features:
The customer gets an email notification when the products are been delivered
The money transactions are recorded in the wallet statement
Any changes in work request are shown as notification to the customer
The customer can book the nearest parking spot with the help of google maps
The customer can chat with the event organizer in the chat box of the event