Project: Class Scheduler using Genetic Algorithm
Team- INFO6205_303
Team Member- Ankit Yadav
1. Introduction
Genetic algorithm is one of the most important tool for making computer evolve to solve a specific type of problems.
One of the major application of GA is found in scheduling events/class/meetings. Class scheduling is a classic NP complete problem which can be easily solved by using Genetic Algorithm. It is a variation of constraint satisfaction problem. In which a set of variables is assigned in such a way that they avoid some constraints or follow some rules.
The constraint can be for following two types:
i) Hard Constraint- these are important requirements which need to be fulfilled always.
ii) Soft Constraint- these constraints are desirable but only after hard constraints are fulfilled.
Like, for class scheduling, hard constraint can be that at a given time a professor cannot be in different class rooms, class rooms should have enough space to host a given class etc.
Soft constraints can be preferred time slot for professors to take class or preferred class room of a professor.
2. Problem Statement
The class scheduling problem that we will be solving is equivalent to a college class scheduler which will make a schedule based on available information like professors available, rooms, time slots and student groups.
As this is a typical college class schedule, students can have free periods depending on the modules they have enrolled in.
In the schedule, each class will have a professor, a timeslot, a room and group of students enrolled in that class.
Total number of classes = (Sum of total number of student groups) * (Number of modules of each student group)
We will be using following hard constraint for developing our class scheduling application:
Classes can only be scheduled in free classrooms
A professor can only teach one class at any one time
Classrooms must be big enough to accommodate the student group
Note: To optimize my solution I have used Parallel Processing to calculate fitness functions and used Hash Table to store the values of fitness function to improve the running time of my application.
3. Impementation
Project source code in the project/src folder.
A detailed report of this project and including basics about genetic algorithms in file named: Project Report- Class Scheduler using GA.pdf
A short presentation to get the understating of working of the project with code and output snippets in file named: Project Presentation.pptx