This package provides a GlobalNetwork widget that can be used in an application to display a network error screen during offline mode.
You no longer need to apply connection checks to various screens, just use this package and let the app user know about the connection issues.
In pubspec.yaml use global_network as dependency to use this package
global_network: <package_version>
- After adding dependency in pubspec.yaml firstly, import the package given below:
import 'package:global_network/global_network.dart';
- Secondly wrap Material App as given:
create: (BuildContext context) => ConnectivityService(),
child: MaterialApp());
create: (BuildContext context) => ConnectivityService(),
child: MaterialApp(
title: 'Global Network',
theme: ThemeData(
home: HomePage(),
- Now you are all set to use this package, just wrap your widget with the new widget GlobalNetwork to display the Internet connection error / warning screen.
child: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Global Network")),
body: Center(child: Text("Network Connection Available")),
- Hurray!!!! Your screen is now network sensitive so whenever you'll lost internet connectivity an warning screen will be display.
- Wrap only those widgets where you need to show "connection error screen"
This package provides different types of error screens such as alertbox, bottlesheet, botmodel and fullscreen. To use the error screen other than the default, simply pass data to the type argument (example: type: Displaytype.alertbox).
type: Displaytype.alertbox;
child: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Global Network")),
body: Center(child: Text("Network Connection Available")),
- Fork the repo
- Fix the bug / add new features
- Commit your changes to new branch
- Push the changes
- Create a pull request
- Customisable "warning screen" as per your requirements.
- Will be able to display the Bottlesheet, Alert dialog etc.
- Will be able to display the game during offline mode
- Will be able to add some exciting features that will engage the user during offline mode