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Cryptocurrencies and smart-contracts on top of a blockchain aren't the most trivial concepts to understand, things like wallets, addresses, block proof-of-work, transactions and their signatures, make more sense when they are in a broad context. This project is an attempt to provide as concise and simple an implementation of a cryptocurrency as possible.

What is cryptocurrency

From Wikipedia : A cryptocurrency (or crypto currency) is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of additional units of the currency.

Key concepts of Evocoin

  • Components
    • Web Client
    • Core
      • Network
      • Consensus
      • Accounts
      • Blockchain
      • Mempool
      • Wallet
      • Miner
  • Js API interface to control everything
  • Synchronization of blockchain and transactions
  • Proof-Of-Work
  • Data is persisted to a database

Components communication

              |                 |
              |   Web Client    |
              |                 |
               |               |
     +------+--+    Network    +---------+
     |      |  |               |         |
     |      |  +-------+-------+         |
     |      |          |                 |
+----v----+ |  +-------v------+    +-----v------+
|         | |  |              |    |            |
|  Miner  +---->  Blockchain  <----+ Consensus  |
|         | |  |              |    |            |
+---------+ |  +-------^------+    +------+-----+
            |          |                  |
            |     +----+-----+     +------v------+
            |     |          |     |             |
            +-----> Accounts +----->   Mempool   +
                  |          |     |             |
                  +-----+----+     +-------------+
                  |          |
                  |  Wallet  |
                  |          |

More information

EvoCoin Demo

Check out our Evo TestNet.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

# Get the project
$ git clone


  • Node.js
  • npm

Quick start

#Run npm install
$ npm install
#Run npm run build
$ npm run build
#Open client/index.html in your browser to access the Browser Client.
$ chrome client/index.html

Running the tests

Run some units tests

$ npm test



A Dockerfile is provided which allows for creating your own backbone image using the following arguments.

Argument Description
BRANCH Defaults to master but can be any available git branch
PORT Defaults to TCP port 8080
DOMAIN Domain to be used for hosting the backbone node
KEY Path to an existing certificate key for the DOMAIN
CRT Path to an existing signed certificate for the DOMAIN
WALLET_SEED Pre-existing wallet private key

Building the Docker image using the above arguments

docker build \
  --build-arg DOMAIN=<DOMAIN> \
  --build-arg BRANCH=<BRANCH> \
  --build-arg WALLET_SEED=<WALLET_SEED> \
  --build-arg KEY=<KEY> \
  --build-arg CRT=<CRT> \
  --build-arg PORT=<PORT> \
  -t evo .

Running an instance of the image

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v /etc/letsencrypt/:/etc/letsencrypt/ --name "evo" evo

Note that you can override any of the arguments which were baked into the image at runtime with exception to the BRANCH. The -v flag here allows for mapping a local system path into the container for the purpose of using the existing DOMAIN certificates.

Built With


We use GitHub for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Paul THEIS - Initial work - AneoPsy
  • Alexandre BLANCHARD - Crypto work - --
  • Carl DEBRAUWERE - Web Interface work - --

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


A Blockchain for cryptocurrencies






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