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Pipedrive client for PHP based apps

Pipedrive is a global sales-first CRM and intelligent revenue management platform for small businesses. Check out for more details.

This is the official Pipedrive API wrapper-client for PHP based apps, distributed by Pipedrive Inc freely under the MIT licence. It provides convenient access to the Pipedrive API, allowing you to operate with entities such as deals, persons, organizations, products and more.

⚠️ With version 5 of the SDK, we have moved to an open-source SDK generator called OpenAPI Generator. This enables us to better respond to any issues you might have with our SDK.

Please use the issues page for reporting bugs or feedback.

Installation and usage


PHP 7.4+ and later.


composer require pipedrive/pipedrive

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install
composer test

Getting started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

With a pre-set API token


use Pipedrive\Configuration;


// Configure API key authorization: api_key
$config = (new Pipedrive\Configuration())->setApiKey('api_token', 'YOUR_API_KEY');

$apiInstance = new Pipedrive\Api\ActivitiesApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->getActivities();
    echo '<pre>';
    echo '</pre>';
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ActivitiesApi->getActivities: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


With OAuth 2.0

In order to setup authentication in the API client, you need the following information:

Parameter Description
oAuthClientId OAuth 2.0 Client ID
oAuthClientSecret OAuth 2.0 Client Secret
oAuthRedirectUri OAuth 2.0 Redirection endpoint or Callback Uri

The API client can be initialized as following:

$oAuthClientId = 'oAuthClientId'; // OAuth 2 Client ID
$oAuthClientSecret = 'oAuthClientSecret'; // OAuth 2 Client Secret
$oAuthRedirectUri = ''; // OAuth 2 Redirection endpoint or Callback Uri

$config = (new Pipedrive\Configuration());

$dealsApiInstance = new DealsApi(null, $config);

You must now authorize the client.

Authorizing your client

Your application must obtain user authorization before it can execute an endpoint call. The SDK uses OAuth 2.0 authorization to obtain a user's consent to perform an API request on the user's behalf.

1. Obtain user consent

To obtain user consent, you must redirect the user to the authorization page. The getAuthorizationPageUrl() method creates the URL to the authorization page when you have clientID and OAuthRedirect set in $config

$authUrl = $config->getAuthorizationPageUrl();
header('Location: ' . filter_var($authUrl, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));

2. Handle the OAuth server response

Once the user responds to the consent request, the OAuth 2.0 server responds to your application's access request by redirecting the user to the redirect URI specified in Configuration.

If the user approves the request, the authorization code will be sent as the code query string:

If the user does not approve the request, the response contains an error query string:

3. Authorize the client using the code

After the server receives the code, it can exchange this for an access token. The access token is an object containing information for authorizing client requests and refreshing the token itself.

try {
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    // handle exception

Refreshing the token

An access token may expire after sometime. To extend its lifetime, you must refresh the token.

if ($configuration->getExpiresAt() < time()) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        // handle exception

If a token expires, the SDK will attempt to automatically refresh the token before the next endpoint call requiring authentication.

Storing an access token for reuse

It is recommended that you store the access token for reuse.

You can store the access token in the $_SESSION global or any other persistent storage:

// store token
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $config->getAccessToken();

However, since the SDK will attempt to automatically refresh the token when it expires, it is recommended that you register a token update callback to detect any change to the access token.

$config->setOAuthTokenUpdateCallback(function ($token) {
    $_SESSION['token'] = $token;

The token update callback will be fired upon authorization as well as token refresh.

Creating a client from a stored token

To authorize a client from a stored access token, just set the access token in Configuration along with the other configuration parameters before creating the client:

// load token later...

// If you want to set all of the OAuth2 related fields at once from the token gotten from Pipedrive OAuth server
// you can use the updateOAuthRelatedFields() function
// This will set the access token, expiresIn, expiresAt, scope and host attributes in the Configuration class
// In order to get automatic access token refreshing, you will still need the client ID, client secret and redirectURI

// Set other configuration, then instantiate client
$activitiesApiInstance = new ActivitiesApi(null, $config);

Revoke token

When there is a need for an application to indicate to the authorization server that user token should be invalidated, use the revokeToken method with provided hint argument value:

$config = (new Pipedrive\Configuration());
$config->updateOAuthRelatedFields(/* ... */);

When configuration is set, just call the method:

// this will revoke all user tokens

/* OR */

// this will revoke only access token

Complete example with OAuth

In this example, the index.php will first check if an access token is available for the user. If one is not set, it redirects the user to authcallback.php which will obtain an access token and redirect the user back to the index.php page. Now that an access token is set, index.php can use the client to make authorized calls to the server.



use Pipedrive\Api\DealsApi;
use Pipedrive\Configuration;



$config = (new Pipedrive\Configuration());
$config->setOauthRedirectUri('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/authcallback.php');

//$usersApiInstance = new UsersApi(null, $config);
$dealsApiInstance = new DealsApi(null, $config);

// check if a token is available
if (isset($_SESSION['token']) && $_SESSION['token']) {
    // set access token in configuration

    try {
        $dealsResponse = $dealsApiInstance->getDeals();
        echo '<pre>';
        echo '</pre>';
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Exception when trying to get deals data', $e, PHP_EOL;
} else {
    header('Location: ' . filter_var($config->getAuthorizationPageUrl(), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));



use Pipedrive\Configuration;


$config = (new Pipedrive\Configuration());

$config->setOauthRedirectUri('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/authcallback.php');

$config->setOAuthTokenUpdateCallback(function ($token) {
    $_SESSION['token'] = $token;

// if authorization code is absent, redirect to authorization page
if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
    header('Location: ' . filter_var($config->getAuthorizationPageUrl(), FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
} else {
    try {

        // resume user activity
        $redirect_uri = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/';
        header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect_uri, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));
    } catch (Exception $ex) {

Documentation for API endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ActivitiesApi addActivity POST /activities Add an activity
ActivitiesApi deleteActivities DELETE /activities Delete multiple activities in bulk
ActivitiesApi deleteActivity DELETE /activities/{id} Delete an activity
ActivitiesApi getActivities GET /activities Get all activities assigned to a particular user
ActivitiesApi getActivitiesCollection GET /activities/collection Get all activities (BETA)
ActivitiesApi getActivity GET /activities/{id} Get details of an activity
ActivitiesApi updateActivity PUT /activities/{id} Update an activity
ActivityFieldsApi getActivityFields GET /activityFields Get all activity fields
ActivityTypesApi addActivityType POST /activityTypes Add new activity type
ActivityTypesApi deleteActivityType DELETE /activityTypes/{id} Delete an activity type
ActivityTypesApi deleteActivityTypes DELETE /activityTypes Delete multiple activity types in bulk
ActivityTypesApi getActivityTypes GET /activityTypes Get all activity types
ActivityTypesApi updateActivityType PUT /activityTypes/{id} Update an activity type
BillingApi getCompanyAddons GET /billing/subscriptions/addons Get all add-ons for a single company
CallLogsApi addCallLog POST /callLogs Add a call log
CallLogsApi addCallLogAudioFile POST /callLogs/{id}/recordings Attach an audio file to the call log
CallLogsApi deleteCallLog DELETE /callLogs/{id} Delete a call log
CallLogsApi getCallLog GET /callLogs/{id} Get details of a call log
CallLogsApi getUserCallLogs GET /callLogs Get all call logs assigned to a particular user
ChannelsApi addChannel POST /channels Add a channel
ChannelsApi deleteChannel DELETE /channels/{id} Delete a channel
ChannelsApi deleteConversation DELETE /channels/{channel-id}/conversations/{conversation-id} Delete a conversation
ChannelsApi receiveMessage POST /channels/messages/receive Receives an incoming message
CurrenciesApi getCurrencies GET /currencies Get all supported currencies
DealFieldsApi addDealField POST /dealFields Add a new deal field
DealFieldsApi deleteDealField DELETE /dealFields/{id} Delete a deal field
DealFieldsApi deleteDealFields DELETE /dealFields Delete multiple deal fields in bulk
DealFieldsApi getDealField GET /dealFields/{id} Get one deal field
DealFieldsApi getDealFields GET /dealFields Get all deal fields
DealFieldsApi updateDealField PUT /dealFields/{id} Update a deal field
DealsApi addDeal POST /deals Add a deal
DealsApi addDealFollower POST /deals/{id}/followers Add a follower to a deal
DealsApi addDealParticipant POST /deals/{id}/participants Add a participant to a deal
DealsApi addDealProduct POST /deals/{id}/products Add a product to a deal
DealsApi deleteDeal DELETE /deals/{id} Delete a deal
DealsApi deleteDealFollower DELETE /deals/{id}/followers/{follower_id} Delete a follower from a deal
DealsApi deleteDealParticipant DELETE /deals/{id}/participants/{deal_participant_id} Delete a participant from a deal
DealsApi deleteDealProduct DELETE /deals/{id}/products/{product_attachment_id} Delete an attached product from a deal
DealsApi deleteDeals DELETE /deals Delete multiple deals in bulk
DealsApi duplicateDeal POST /deals/{id}/duplicate Duplicate deal
DealsApi getDeal GET /deals/{id} Get details of a deal
DealsApi getDealActivities GET /deals/{id}/activities List activities associated with a deal
DealsApi getDealFiles GET /deals/{id}/files List files attached to a deal
DealsApi getDealFollowers GET /deals/{id}/followers List followers of a deal
DealsApi getDealMailMessages GET /deals/{id}/mailMessages List mail messages associated with a deal
DealsApi getDealParticipants GET /deals/{id}/participants List participants of a deal
DealsApi getDealPersons GET /deals/{id}/persons List all persons associated with a deal
DealsApi getDealProducts GET /deals/{id}/products List products attached to a deal
DealsApi getDealUpdates GET /deals/{id}/flow List updates about a deal
DealsApi getDealUsers GET /deals/{id}/permittedUsers List permitted users
DealsApi getDeals GET /deals Get all deals
DealsApi getDealsCollection GET /deals/collection Get all deals (BETA)
DealsApi getDealsSummary GET /deals/summary Get deals summary
DealsApi getDealsTimeline GET /deals/timeline Get deals timeline
DealsApi mergeDeals PUT /deals/{id}/merge Merge two deals
DealsApi searchDeals GET /deals/search Search deals
DealsApi updateDeal PUT /deals/{id} Update a deal
DealsApi updateDealProduct PUT /deals/{id}/products/{product_attachment_id} Update the product attached to a deal
FilesApi addFile POST /files Add file
FilesApi addFileAndLinkIt POST /files/remote Create a remote file and link it to an item
FilesApi deleteFile DELETE /files/{id} Delete a file
FilesApi downloadFile GET /files/{id}/download Download one file
FilesApi getFile GET /files/{id} Get one file
FilesApi getFiles GET /files Get all files
FilesApi linkFileToItem POST /files/remoteLink Link a remote file to an item
FilesApi updateFile PUT /files/{id} Update file details
FiltersApi addFilter POST /filters Add a new filter
FiltersApi deleteFilter DELETE /filters/{id} Delete a filter
FiltersApi deleteFilters DELETE /filters Delete multiple filters in bulk
FiltersApi getFilter GET /filters/{id} Get one filter
FiltersApi getFilterHelpers GET /filters/helpers Get all filter helpers
FiltersApi getFilters GET /filters Get all filters
FiltersApi updateFilter PUT /filters/{id} Update filter
GoalsApi addGoal POST /goals Add a new goal
GoalsApi deleteGoal DELETE /goals/{id} Delete existing goal
GoalsApi getGoalResult GET /goals/{id}/results Get result of a goal
GoalsApi getGoals GET /goals/find Find goals
GoalsApi updateGoal PUT /goals/{id} Update existing goal
ItemSearchApi searchItem GET /itemSearch Perform a search from multiple item types
ItemSearchApi searchItemByField GET /itemSearch/field Perform a search using a specific field from an item type
LeadLabelsApi addLeadLabel POST /leadLabels Add a lead label
LeadLabelsApi deleteLeadLabel DELETE /leadLabels/{id} Delete a lead label
LeadLabelsApi getLeadLabels GET /leadLabels Get all lead labels
LeadLabelsApi updateLeadLabel PATCH /leadLabels/{id} Update a lead label
LeadSourcesApi getLeadSources GET /leadSources Get all lead sources
LeadsApi addLead POST /leads Add a lead
LeadsApi deleteLead DELETE /leads/{id} Delete a lead
LeadsApi getLead GET /leads/{id} Get one lead
LeadsApi getLeadUsers GET /leads/{id}/permittedUsers List permitted users
LeadsApi getLeads GET /leads Get all leads
LeadsApi searchLeads GET /leads/search Search leads
LeadsApi updateLead PATCH /leads/{id} Update a lead
LegacyTeamsApi addTeam POST /legacyTeams Add a new team
LegacyTeamsApi addTeamUser POST /legacyTeams/{id}/users Add users to a team
LegacyTeamsApi deleteTeamUser DELETE /legacyTeams/{id}/users Delete users from a team
LegacyTeamsApi getTeam GET /legacyTeams/{id} Get a single team
LegacyTeamsApi getTeamUsers GET /legacyTeams/{id}/users Get all users in a team
LegacyTeamsApi getTeams GET /legacyTeams Get all teams
LegacyTeamsApi getUserTeams GET /legacyTeams/user/{id} Get all teams of a user
LegacyTeamsApi updateTeam PUT /legacyTeams/{id} Update a team
MailboxApi deleteMailThread DELETE /mailbox/mailThreads/{id} Delete mail thread
MailboxApi getMailMessage GET /mailbox/mailMessages/{id} Get one mail message
MailboxApi getMailThread GET /mailbox/mailThreads/{id} Get one mail thread
MailboxApi getMailThreadMessages GET /mailbox/mailThreads/{id}/mailMessages Get all mail messages of mail thread
MailboxApi getMailThreads GET /mailbox/mailThreads Get mail threads
MailboxApi updateMailThreadDetails PUT /mailbox/mailThreads/{id} Update mail thread details
NoteFieldsApi getNoteFields GET /noteFields Get all note fields
NotesApi addNote POST /notes Add a note
NotesApi addNoteComment POST /notes/{id}/comments Add a comment to a note
NotesApi deleteComment DELETE /notes/{id}/comments/{commentId} Delete a comment related to a note
NotesApi deleteNote DELETE /notes/{id} Delete a note
NotesApi getComment GET /notes/{id}/comments/{commentId} Get one comment
NotesApi getNote GET /notes/{id} Get one note
NotesApi getNoteComments GET /notes/{id}/comments Get all comments for a note
NotesApi getNotes GET /notes Get all notes
NotesApi updateCommentForNote PUT /notes/{id}/comments/{commentId} Update a comment related to a note
NotesApi updateNote PUT /notes/{id} Update a note
OrganizationFieldsApi addOrganizationField POST /organizationFields Add a new organization field
OrganizationFieldsApi deleteOrganizationField DELETE /organizationFields/{id} Delete an organization field
OrganizationFieldsApi deleteOrganizationFields DELETE /organizationFields Delete multiple organization fields in bulk
OrganizationFieldsApi getOrganizationField GET /organizationFields/{id} Get one organization field
OrganizationFieldsApi getOrganizationFields GET /organizationFields Get all organization fields
OrganizationFieldsApi updateOrganizationField PUT /organizationFields/{id} Update an organization field
OrganizationRelationshipsApi addOrganizationRelationship POST /organizationRelationships Create an organization relationship
OrganizationRelationshipsApi deleteOrganizationRelationship DELETE /organizationRelationships/{id} Delete an organization relationship
OrganizationRelationshipsApi getOrganizationRelationship GET /organizationRelationships/{id} Get one organization relationship
OrganizationRelationshipsApi getOrganizationRelationships GET /organizationRelationships Get all relationships for organization
OrganizationRelationshipsApi updateOrganizationRelationship PUT /organizationRelationships/{id} Update an organization relationship
OrganizationsApi addOrganization POST /organizations Add an organization
OrganizationsApi addOrganizationFollower POST /organizations/{id}/followers Add a follower to an organization
OrganizationsApi deleteOrganization DELETE /organizations/{id} Delete an organization
OrganizationsApi deleteOrganizationFollower DELETE /organizations/{id}/followers/{follower_id} Delete a follower from an organization
OrganizationsApi deleteOrganizations DELETE /organizations Delete multiple organizations in bulk
OrganizationsApi getOrganization GET /organizations/{id} Get details of an organization
OrganizationsApi getOrganizationActivities GET /organizations/{id}/activities List activities associated with an organization
OrganizationsApi getOrganizationDeals GET /organizations/{id}/deals List deals associated with an organization
OrganizationsApi getOrganizationFiles GET /organizations/{id}/files List files attached to an organization
OrganizationsApi getOrganizationFollowers GET /organizations/{id}/followers List followers of an organization
OrganizationsApi getOrganizationMailMessages GET /organizations/{id}/mailMessages List mail messages associated with an organization
OrganizationsApi getOrganizationPersons GET /organizations/{id}/persons List persons of an organization
OrganizationsApi getOrganizationUpdates GET /organizations/{id}/flow List updates about an organization
OrganizationsApi getOrganizationUsers GET /organizations/{id}/permittedUsers List permitted users
OrganizationsApi getOrganizations GET /organizations Get all organizations
OrganizationsApi getOrganizationsCollection GET /organizations/collection Get all organizations (BETA)
OrganizationsApi mergeOrganizations PUT /organizations/{id}/merge Merge two organizations
OrganizationsApi searchOrganization GET /organizations/search Search organizations
OrganizationsApi updateOrganization PUT /organizations/{id} Update an organization
PermissionSetsApi getPermissionSet GET /permissionSets/{id} Get one permission set
PermissionSetsApi getPermissionSetAssignments GET /permissionSets/{id}/assignments List permission set assignments
PermissionSetsApi getPermissionSets GET /permissionSets Get all permission sets
PersonFieldsApi addPersonField POST /personFields Add a new person field
PersonFieldsApi deletePersonField DELETE /personFields/{id} Delete a person field
PersonFieldsApi deletePersonFields DELETE /personFields Delete multiple person fields in bulk
PersonFieldsApi getPersonField GET /personFields/{id} Get one person field
PersonFieldsApi getPersonFields GET /personFields Get all person fields
PersonFieldsApi updatePersonField PUT /personFields/{id} Update a person field
PersonsApi addPerson POST /persons Add a person
PersonsApi addPersonFollower POST /persons/{id}/followers Add a follower to a person
PersonsApi addPersonPicture POST /persons/{id}/picture Add person picture
PersonsApi deletePerson DELETE /persons/{id} Delete a person
PersonsApi deletePersonFollower DELETE /persons/{id}/followers/{follower_id} Delete a follower from a person
PersonsApi deletePersonPicture DELETE /persons/{id}/picture Delete person picture
PersonsApi deletePersons DELETE /persons Delete multiple persons in bulk
PersonsApi getPerson GET /persons/{id} Get details of a person
PersonsApi getPersonActivities GET /persons/{id}/activities List activities associated with a person
PersonsApi getPersonDeals GET /persons/{id}/deals List deals associated with a person
PersonsApi getPersonFiles GET /persons/{id}/files List files attached to a person
PersonsApi getPersonFollowers GET /persons/{id}/followers List followers of a person
PersonsApi getPersonMailMessages GET /persons/{id}/mailMessages List mail messages associated with a person
PersonsApi getPersonProducts GET /persons/{id}/products List products associated with a person
PersonsApi getPersonUpdates GET /persons/{id}/flow List updates about a person
PersonsApi getPersonUsers GET /persons/{id}/permittedUsers List permitted users
PersonsApi getPersons GET /persons Get all persons
PersonsApi getPersonsCollection GET /persons/collection Get all persons (BETA)
PersonsApi mergePersons PUT /persons/{id}/merge Merge two persons
PersonsApi searchPersons GET /persons/search Search persons
PersonsApi updatePerson PUT /persons/{id} Update a person
PipelinesApi addPipeline POST /pipelines Add a new pipeline
PipelinesApi deletePipeline DELETE /pipelines/{id} Delete a pipeline
PipelinesApi getPipeline GET /pipelines/{id} Get one pipeline
PipelinesApi getPipelineConversionStatistics GET /pipelines/{id}/conversion_statistics Get deals conversion rates in pipeline
PipelinesApi getPipelineDeals GET /pipelines/{id}/deals Get deals in a pipeline
PipelinesApi getPipelineMovementStatistics GET /pipelines/{id}/movement_statistics Get deals movements in pipeline
PipelinesApi getPipelines GET /pipelines Get all pipelines
PipelinesApi updatePipeline PUT /pipelines/{id} Update a pipeline
ProductFieldsApi addProductField POST /productFields Add a new product field
ProductFieldsApi deleteProductField DELETE /productFields/{id} Delete a product field
ProductFieldsApi deleteProductFields DELETE /productFields Delete multiple product fields in bulk
ProductFieldsApi getProductField GET /productFields/{id} Get one product field
ProductFieldsApi getProductFields GET /productFields Get all product fields
ProductFieldsApi updateProductField PUT /productFields/{id} Update a product field
ProductsApi addProduct POST /products Add a product
ProductsApi addProductFollower POST /products/{id}/followers Add a follower to a product
ProductsApi deleteProduct DELETE /products/{id} Delete a product
ProductsApi deleteProductFollower DELETE /products/{id}/followers/{follower_id} Delete a follower from a product
ProductsApi getProduct GET /products/{id} Get one product
ProductsApi getProductDeals GET /products/{id}/deals Get deals where a product is attached to
ProductsApi getProductFiles GET /products/{id}/files List files attached to a product
ProductsApi getProductFollowers GET /products/{id}/followers List followers of a product
ProductsApi getProductUsers GET /products/{id}/permittedUsers List permitted users
ProductsApi getProducts GET /products Get all products
ProductsApi searchProducts GET /products/search Search products
ProductsApi updateProduct PUT /products/{id} Update a product
ProjectTemplatesApi getProjectTemplate GET /projectTemplates/{id} Get details of a template
ProjectTemplatesApi getProjectTemplates GET /projectTemplates Get all project templates
ProjectTemplatesApi getProjectsBoard GET /projects/boards/{id} Get details of a board
ProjectTemplatesApi getProjectsPhase GET /projects/phases/{id} Get details of a phase
ProjectsApi addProject POST /projects Add a project
ProjectsApi archiveProject POST /projects/{id}/archive Archive a project
ProjectsApi deleteProject DELETE /projects/{id} Delete a project
ProjectsApi getProject GET /projects/{id} Get details of a project
ProjectsApi getProjectActivities GET /projects/{id}/activities Returns project activities
ProjectsApi getProjectGroups GET /projects/{id}/groups Returns project groups
ProjectsApi getProjectPlan GET /projects/{id}/plan Returns project plan
ProjectsApi getProjectTasks GET /projects/{id}/tasks Returns project tasks
ProjectsApi getProjects GET /projects Get all projects
ProjectsApi getProjectsBoards GET /projects/boards Get all project boards
ProjectsApi getProjectsPhases GET /projects/phases Get project phases
ProjectsApi putProjectPlanActivity PUT /projects/{id}/plan/activities/{activityId} Update activity in project plan
ProjectsApi putProjectPlanTask PUT /projects/{id}/plan/tasks/{taskId} Update task in project plan
ProjectsApi updateProject PUT /projects/{id} Update a project
RecentsApi getRecents GET /recents Get recents
RolesApi addOrUpdateRoleSetting POST /roles/{id}/settings Add or update role setting
RolesApi addRole POST /roles Add a role
RolesApi addRoleAssignment POST /roles/{id}/assignments Add role assignment
RolesApi deleteRole DELETE /roles/{id} Delete a role
RolesApi deleteRoleAssignment DELETE /roles/{id}/assignments Delete a role assignment
RolesApi getRole GET /roles/{id} Get one role
RolesApi getRoleAssignments GET /roles/{id}/assignments List role assignments
RolesApi getRolePipelines GET /roles/{id}/pipelines List pipeline visibility for a role
RolesApi getRoleSettings GET /roles/{id}/settings List role settings
RolesApi getRoles GET /roles Get all roles
RolesApi updateRole PUT /roles/{id} Update role details
RolesApi updateRolePipelines PUT /roles/{id}/pipelines Update pipeline visibility for a role
StagesApi addStage POST /stages Add a new stage
StagesApi deleteStage DELETE /stages/{id} Delete a stage
StagesApi deleteStages DELETE /stages Delete multiple stages in bulk
StagesApi getStage GET /stages/{id} Get one stage
StagesApi getStageDeals GET /stages/{id}/deals Get deals in a stage
StagesApi getStages GET /stages Get all stages
StagesApi updateStage PUT /stages/{id} Update stage details
SubscriptionsApi addRecurringSubscription POST /subscriptions/recurring Add a recurring subscription
SubscriptionsApi addSubscriptionInstallment POST /subscriptions/installment Add an installment subscription
SubscriptionsApi cancelRecurringSubscription PUT /subscriptions/recurring/{id}/cancel Cancel a recurring subscription
SubscriptionsApi deleteSubscription DELETE /subscriptions/{id} Delete a subscription
SubscriptionsApi findSubscriptionByDeal GET /subscriptions/find/{dealId} Find subscription by deal
SubscriptionsApi getSubscription GET /subscriptions/{id} Get details of a subscription
SubscriptionsApi getSubscriptionPayments GET /subscriptions/{id}/payments Get all payments of a subscription
SubscriptionsApi updateRecurringSubscription PUT /subscriptions/recurring/{id} Update a recurring subscription
SubscriptionsApi updateSubscriptionInstallment PUT /subscriptions/installment/{id} Update an installment subscription
TasksApi addTask POST /tasks Add a task
TasksApi deleteTask DELETE /tasks/{id} Delete a task
TasksApi getTask GET /tasks/{id} Get details of a task
TasksApi getTasks GET /tasks Get all tasks
TasksApi updateTask PUT /tasks/{id} Update a task
UserConnectionsApi getUserConnections GET /userConnections Get all user connections
UserSettingsApi getUserSettings GET /userSettings List settings of an authorized user
UsersApi addUser POST /users Add a new user
UsersApi findUsersByName GET /users/find Find users by name
UsersApi getCurrentUser GET /users/me Get current user data
UsersApi getUser GET /users/{id} Get one user
UsersApi getUserFollowers GET /users/{id}/followers List followers of a user
UsersApi getUserPermissions GET /users/{id}/permissions List user permissions
UsersApi getUserRoleAssignments GET /users/{id}/roleAssignments List role assignments
UsersApi getUserRoleSettings GET /users/{id}/roleSettings List user role settings
UsersApi getUsers GET /users Get all users
UsersApi updateUser PUT /users/{id} Update user details
WebhooksApi addWebhook POST /webhooks Create a new Webhook
WebhooksApi deleteWebhook DELETE /webhooks/{id} Delete existing Webhook
WebhooksApi getWebhooks GET /webhooks Get all Webhooks

Documentation for models

Documentation for authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: api_token
  • Location: URL query string


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: accessCode
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
  • base: Read settings of the authorized user and currencies in an account
  • deals:read: Read most of the data about deals and related entities - deal fields, products, followers, participants; all notes, files, filters, pipelines, stages, and statistics. Does not include access to activities (except the last and next activity related to a deal)
  • deals:full: Create, read, update and delete deals, its participants and followers; all files, notes, and filters. It also includes read access to deal fields, pipelines, stages, and statistics. Does not include access to activities (except the last and next activity related to a deal)
  • mail:read: Read mail threads and messages
  • mail:full: Read, update and delete mail threads. Also grants read access to mail messages
  • activities:read: Read activities, its fields and types; all files and filters
  • activities:full: Create, read, update and delete activities and all files and filters. Also includes read access to activity fields and types
  • contacts:read: Read the data about persons and organizations, their related fields and followers; also all notes, files, filters
  • contacts:full: Create, read, update and delete persons and organizations and their followers; all notes, files, filters. Also grants read access to contacts-related fields
  • products:read: Read products, its fields, files, followers and products connected to a deal
  • products:full: Create, read, update and delete products and its fields; add products to deals
  • projects:read: Read projects and its fields, tasks and project templates
  • projects:full: Create, read, update and delete projects and its fields; add projects templates and project related tasks
  • users:read: Read data about users (people with access to a Pipedrive account), their permissions, roles and followers
  • recents:read: Read all recent changes occurred in an account. Includes data about activities, activity types, deals, files, filters, notes, persons, organizations, pipelines, stages, products and users
  • search:read: Search across the account for deals, persons, organizations, files and products, and see details about the returned results
  • admin: Allows to do many things that an administrator can do in a Pipedrive company account - create, read, update and delete pipelines and its stages; deal, person and organization fields; activity types; users and permissions, etc. It also allows the app to create webhooks and fetch and delete webhooks that are created by the app
  • leads:read: Read data about leads and lead labels
  • leads:full: Create, read, update and delete leads and lead labels
  • phone-integration: Enables advanced call integration features like logging call duration and other metadata, and play call recordings inside Pipedrive
  • goals:read: Read data on all goals
  • goals:full: Create, read, update and delete goals
  • video-calls: Allows application to register as a video call integration provider and create conference links
  • messengers-integration: Allows application to register as a messengers integration provider and allows them to deliver incoming messages and their statuses


About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen


Pipedrive API client for PHP







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  • PHP 100.0%