SPID/CIE OIDC Federation (for Java) is a starter kit and example projects designed to ease the creation of an OpenID Connect Federation.
⚠️ This project is a work-in-progress, the first. Currently only the Relying Party has been completed.👀 Watch this repository over GitHub to stay informed.
- Features
- Usage
- Docker
- Example projects
- Useful links
- Contribute
- License and Authors
The purpose of this project is to provide a simple and immediate tool to integrate, in a WebApp developed with any Java Framework, the authentication services of SPID and CIE, automating the login/logout flows, the management of the OIDC-Core/OIDC-Federation protocols and their security profiles, and simplify the development activities.
It contains a starter-kit, a java library that exposes utilities, helpers and handlers you can include into your application in order to support the SPID/CIE OpenID Connect Authentication profile and OpenID Federation 1.0.
The library is developed using Java 11 with a "Low Level Java" approach to limit dependencies and allowing it to be included into projects mades with high-level framework like Spring, SpringBoot, OSGi, Quarkus and many others java based frameworks.
Actually only "OpenID Connect Relying Party" role is managed. The starter-kit provides:
- Federation Entity Jwks and Metadata creation
- OIDC Federation onboarding
- SPID and CIE OpenID Connect login and logout
- UserInfo claims retrieving
- Build (discover) TrustChain of OPs
- Multitenancy
- see Usage for a more detailed list
The "OpenID Connect Provider" role is in my thoughts. Several requirements are already covered by the current starter-kit and the missing aspects should not require lot effort.
There are no plans to extends the starter-kit to allow you to implement an "OpenID Connect Federation Server".
Both Snapshots and Released artifacts are available on GitHub Packages:
- if you use Maven
<version><!--replace with the wanted version --></version>
- if you use Gradle
implementation group:'it.spid.cie.oidc', name:'it.spid.cie.oidc.starter.kit', version: 'wanted-version'
Unfortunately, as stated in the documentation, to use GitHub packages you have define GitHub repository in your ~/.m2/settings.xml
together with your credentials.
The "starter-kit" is a backend library with few dependencies:
, a simple and light-weigth to parse and create JSON documentscom.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt
, the most popular java Library to manage JSON Web Token (JWT, JWE, JWS)com.github.stephenc.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0-1
, a clean room implementation of the JCIP Annotationsorg.slf4j:slf4j-api
go here for more detailed information
The "starter-kit" is a library.
Sample projects using the library can be executed as docker or docker-compose. See examples's documentation.
A simple SpringBoot web application using the starter-kit to implement a Relying Party.
This application is for demo purpose only, please don't use it in production or critical environment.
Your contribution is welcome, no question is useless and no answer is obvious, we need you.
Please open an issue if you've discoverd a bug or if you want to ask some features.
This repository follow a Trunk based Development approach:
- main branch contains the evolution of the project, where developed code is merged
- x-branch are short-lived feature branches always connected to one or more issues (to better track and motivate requirements)
At the moment there is a GitHub Action allowing releasing from Trunk.
Please open your Pull Request on the main branch, but before start coding open an issue to describe your needs and inform the Team you are working on it.
In this project we adopt Semver and Conventional commits specifications.
This software is released under the Apache 2 License by:
- Mauro Mariuzzo [email protected].