Welcome to PyRK. This is a solver tool for coupled neutronic and thermal hydraulic reactor transient analysis in 0-D. It is in active development. Please correspond directly with the author for suggestions about use, additional documentation, etc.
Detailed instructions will be present in the upcoming user's guide. However, for now, install this as you would any other pure python module
python setup.py install
If you use --prefix, be sure to add the path to your PYTHONPATH environment variable.
The documentation for pyrk can be found at pyrk.github.io. Additionally, the entire contents of that website can be built from the doc directory in the source code using the following steps
pip install sphinx
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
.sphinx-apidoc --separate --force --output-dir=src/ ../pyrk
make clean
make html
After these steps, the website will be found in pyrk/doc/_build/html
The license for this work can be found here. Please be respectful of my intellectual work by communicating with me about its use, understanding its limitations, and citing me where appropriate. I would be thrilled to work with you on improving it.
This repository is a work in progress. I would love it if you wanted to contribute to this code here in this repository. Here is some information about how to do that..
- You will find the current state of the test suite on our Travis continuous integration servers.