Software Challenge
- Solution is written in JAVA language using Apache MAVEN as a software project management tool;
- The IDE used was IntelliJ IDEA: IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.5
- Junit tests were used to verify the correctness of a program's behaviour (see;
- File '.gitignore' was added since code should be maintainable, reusable and portable (usign git if needed for example).
- Please use an IDE(for example IntelliJ IDEA - to download see:;
- Open the project, select pom.xml in 'Palindromes\pom.xml' path;
- Go to to run the program.
- Run the main program
- You can change input String in the field 'inputString' and run again.
- For more details see runprogram.docx
Good: Easy to follow readme & instructions, Non-complicated code, Reasonable number/coverage of tests Bad: Main “utility” class should be static and not instantiated as an object Javadoc is half-complete, Tests are not generally focussed on the scenario / use case, instead feel a little random at times, Logic error in code, could result in more than 3 results being printed out