With KODI Popcorn Time you can search for movies that you can see immediately in KODI.
Check out the releases tab to download the ZIP file.
- XBMC/KODI 13.x and later
- Windows x32 and x64
- OS X x32 and x64
- Linux x32, x64 and ARM
- Raspberry Pi
- Android ARM 4.0+
There is one active threads on tvaddons.ag. However, proposals may also be posted under Issues.
Please, file an issue :) - Issues
- KODI Popcorn Time is a rewrite of xbmctorrent.
- http://github.com/steeve/libtorrent-go
- http://github.com/steeve/torrent2http
Check out releases.
Check out our WIKI page
Please, see our WIKI page Help wanted
Many thanks in advance.