Kassia is a scoring program for creating music written in Byzantine notation. It takes an XML file (schema file to be released later), parses the neumes and lyrics, and generates a formatted PDF using ReportLab.
Python 3.7
- Install Python 3.7
- Make sure pip is installed by running
which pip
- Install necessary packages by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To generate a test pdf file run
python kassia.py sample.xml sample.pdf
Either pipenv or poetry is probably a better alternative to pip and requirements.txt.
python kassia.py [input_xml_file] [output_file]
Take a look at the contents of sample.xml.
Kassia utilizes 5 fonts: Main, Combo, Chronos, Martyria, Fthora.
- Main has the most commly used neumes
- Combo has large jumps and large jumps with a kentimata
- Chronos has time modifying neumes like gorga and argon
- Martyria has martyries
- Fthora has fthores, chroes, sharps, and flats
For more information on typing out scores and how these fonts are used, see KA New Stathis.