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Analogue for Alfred CodeFactor

This workflow lets you manage your Analogue library with Alfred.


  • Download/Install Alfred 4
  • Download lastest workflow (.alfredworkflow file) from the releases page
  • Open the .alfredworkflow file to import it into Alfred
  • Goto alfred preferences > workflows
  • Click on analogue. Then in top right corner click the following symbol [x]
  • Add 2 new Workflow Environment Variables
    • email: {analogue_email}
    • password: {analogue_password}
  • Click Save at the bottom of the box
  • Inside the alfred search bar run analogue login
  • Fin!


  • Goto via browser analogue
  • Add any URL to your library analogue add {url}
  • Search Analogue for for content analogue search {query}
  • View to 10 entries in your library analogue content
  • Goto current user [your] profile analogue profile
  • Goto activity/notification page analogue activity
  • Goto user analogue user {userName}
  • Login into analogue analogue login


  • Create a new collection analogue create {title}
  • Goto collections analogue col books
  • Feeling lucky (picks a random log off of analogue) analogue random
  • Search your library analogue content {query}
  • Give a book recommendation analogue recommend book
    • This could develop into other content types (shows, videos, etc)
  • Create log analogue add {link} with type ahead
  • Goto collections analogue col books with type ahead
  • Navigate collections analogue collection {query}
    • returns autocomplete of your collections
    • Arrow key up/down to a collection
      • Enter to open browser to collection
      • + {url} to add url to library and collection
  • Uses OAuth 2.0 to authorize the workflow
  • Saves your access_token securely in OS X's keychain


This workflow is based on alfred-pocket and alfred-workflow.